HELLO AMERICA!—He was basically educated as an electrician, but his dream was always to perform as an actor-musician in front of the camera in America. “When I was very little, I use to watch and listen to old songs from Frank Sinatra, Frankie Avalon, The Beatles and even Ricky Nelson and so many more great singers. I also loved Elvis, Smokey Robinson, Stevie Wonder and El Debarge.” Kamel quickly adds that he admires actors like James Dean, Tom Cruise and Johnny Depp.
Representatives of our newest potential young star KAMEL noted that their boy has an overwhelming fan following behind him in Algeria. Whenever he was scheduled for an appearance on television or at a public function, his following demanded extra security to be arranged. There was no doubt that Kamel was someone very special and the world had to find out about it.
When a video hook-up was arranged it made an interview possible with Kamel. It was obvious why so much belief and support were there. He is an extremely articulate, smart and aware of what the world of and entertainment is all about. He speaks English better than many of those born in the U.S; he is aware of many of the other lucky actors and musicians from other countries who have been fortunate to get an opportunity to realize their dreams here.
Of course, I was totally impressed when he informed me that he had read my book “Hollywood Through the Back Door” and how so many people helped me to realize my dream as an Afro American.
“When I read about your life,” he noted, “it made me feel that if you could survive in Hollywood, why couldn’t I? Then I remembered that so many other people from all over the world have ventured to take a chance on making it there, then why shouldn’t I? I must tell you that I was inspired by your journey, you’re making many people believe their dreams can come true, if you only believe.”
Hearing this, I admit that I was deeply affected by his honesty and the way he believed in his hopes and dreams as well. It also made me quite aware of how millions of people, average people, simple people with dreams needed to believe that there was a better and a more fulfilling journey ahead of them, if only they took a chance or better yet, prepare for it. That is important.
“When I was told that preparations were being made for me to be tested in Hollywood for an important role,” he continued. “I, of course, was excited. However, I also realized that I should have everything in order. I am getting more versed about America, especially Hollywood. I have been watching so many more films made there. In other words, I want to be accepted, I want to belong; this has been a dream all of my life, ever since I watched a James Dean film and watched musicals like “Singing in the Rain” with Gene Kelly and, oh, so many more. I promise you I plan to make the most of this great opportunity. Then too, I want to make my country proud, as well. That is important!”