WEST HOLLYWOOD—Over the past 3 weeks, there has been a rise in a number of threats received by the city of West Hollywood and members of the City Council.
The city reported on its website taht City Manager David Wilson is actively working with the City’s Community Safety partners in assessing and maintaining an appropriate level of response.
City Manager David Wilson has issued the following statement:
“It is the City of West Hollywood’s standard protocol for the City Manager, Community Safety Director, and West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station Captain to discuss, assess, and respond to a rise in threats as they may relate to the safety of members of the City Council, to City Officials such as Advisory Board Members and Commissioners, to staff, and to the public at large.
While there was consideration of additional security to be provided by LASD Deputies, this consideration was never enacted. Instead, under my direction, the City’s Community Safety Department moved forward in addressing additional security needs by assigning Block by Block security ambassadors for City public meetings and events, wherein Councilmembers, City Officials, staff, and members of the public may be in attendance.”