HOLLYWOOD—It has been so long, I think easily a year since Tyler Perry’s guilty pleasure “The Oval” last aired on BET. Well the wait is finally over, on Tuesday, the new season of “The Oval” kicked off picking up where ‘No Escape’ witnessed gunfire erupt inside the White House. No major players were killed, but it was apparent a war was about unravel in the worst ways.

Within 60 seconds I remembered why Donald annoyed the hell out of me as he tried to control the narrative, Eli was an utter mess, unaware of what unfolded and trying to keep things quiet. Victoria tried to warn Eli that Donald is great in a crisis so he knows how to handle things. Again we constantly hear about Victoria’s big bad of a father, yet his presence is yet to be felt and I’m over it.

Jason spilled to Hunter that he had some wicked secrets that he didn’t want exposed. He has stashed some things; how bad could it be Jason? Did you leave bodies in your secret hideaway. Hunter gave Jason the harsh truth about what can unfold if the press is NOT alerted to what has unfolded, he’ll fall into Victoria’s clutches. This war between Victoria and Simone was fun two-three seasons ago, but it is now becoming a bit stale. Unless one gets the upper hand on the other, I don’t care about the constant barbs they trade against one another.

Tyler Perry truly drags out scenes longer than they need to be. First with Victoria and Simone, now with Donald and Eli, and I just realize Cierra Payton was not in the opening credits, so I’m guessing that Lily is no longer a part of the narrative on this series? I swear if this entire season is some sort of Stallworth at The White House, I am going to be livid.

Allan received a call from Dale about a secret that hasn’t been spilled, and even after almost a year, the character of Allan is still a rude, obnoxious jerk. Kyle questioned Dale as to why he was contacting Allan, but he refused to spill any serious tea, so that was intriguing. It was fun to see that rage erupt between Allan and Kyle; I thought some fists were about to be thrown, but Donald interrupted the melee. OMG, this episode is dragging, who cares what Richard the Butler and Priscilla has to say about Hunter?

Dale stopped by Richard’s house where Nancy was a bit taken aback by his sudden arrival looking for a place to stay the night. Nancy broke down revealing that Barry is dead, Richard wants a divorce and she didn’t want to be alone in the house. C’mon with the dialogue; it just feels stagnant. Yeah, what the hell happened with Sharon; seems like her character just vanished off the series, just like Lily.

Eli and Bobby explained that they have set-up a perimeter around the house, and Sam announced that the utilization of gas would force Hunter and his Black Ops out of where they are held up. It was obvious Bobby and Sam are still tense about Priscilla, who entered, The Oval with her proposal to speak with Hunter in hopes of getting him to surrender. Bobby and Sam wanted nothing to do with the notion, and I loved the barbs with Priscilla and Victoria. There shade is a lot more fun and it cuts to the core. Victoria pegged by Bobby has a thing for Priscilla.

“A big booty ghetto chick,” I swear that was the line of the night and it had me in stitches, Victoria I have to give you props because it was hilarious. Sam dropped a bomb hinting that Bobby had sex with Simone and Eli flipped as Max tried to prevent the secret from coming out. Juicy, things are getting juicy and I love this. Priscilla is indeed placing her life in the line of fire, but who is she working for: Eli or Hunter? Until next week “The Oval” fanatics!