BEVERLY HILLS—My name is “Bruce”, and I imagine that you can tell by my name that I’m a boy! I’m a Terrier/mix that weighs somewhere around thirty pounds – and I’m a young one, just one year old. So, now you know all of my statistics.
I get along just fine with other dogs, and with cats, too. I’ve never been around children, but seeing that I’m not aggressive in any way, and definitely not a biter or guarder of my toys, food or bed, it seems to me that we’d get along just fine. Another thing about me that will make you happy, is that I’m housetrained. I love to take walks and play with toys and just hang out with my family.
I guess you’re wondering why I was given up if I’m such a good boy. Well, it’s another sad case of my family losing their home. So, now I’m waiting for another person, or family, that will love me and keep me forever, no matter what. So, won’t you please call to see me?
On a personal note: I have to admit that as “perfect” as my newly adopted little Chihuahua “Pepe” is, he has one bad fault. When we are in the car I put him in the back in his doggy seat, where he whines and barks most of the time that I’m driving, and it’s not a very peaceful ride. He always gets excited to go, so I’m sure it’s because he wants to be up front with me.
The other day I remembered the tip of putting a few pennies in an empty soda can and shaking it to stop unwanted behavior. Well, I tried it – and what do you know – it worked! All that I did was give it one shake and he stopped! Later he started to whimper, and all I did was touch the can so that it made a slight noise, and like magic, there was silence! He was quiet for so long that I had to check to see if he was all right! It also worked when he started barking at home. So, now, in my opinion, anyway, I have the perfect dog!! Very spoiled (whose fault is that?), but perfect! I just wanted to share this tip with all of you.
Don’t forget to call to see “Bruce”. He is a real sweetheart! And, you can check our website at: to see all of the other dogs and cats that need loving homes. If you would like to volunteer to walk the dogs or help out in the cattery, just give a call to set up an appointment. All of us two footed and four footed ones would love to see you!