UNITED STATES—There are people out there who don’t like to do rigorous physical exercise, and to those people I say, get outside and walk. It is perhaps the easiest form of exercise that you can engage in. Look there are walkers and then there are WALKERS. I’m not a WALKER, but I do walk and I love it. Why? You’re not in the mindset of actual exercise. You simply just walk and you’re getting exercise without actually realizing that you’re doing it.
I see this often when I visit the shopping mall, where you see a lot of older individuals partake in mall walking. What exactly is that? You walk the mall, so it’s not about shopping or spending money it is about walking the perimeter of the mall from one end to the other. I will admit these people push the pedal to the medal and it is quite impressive to say the least.
Guess what? It does NOT cost any money to do it. You don’t have to pay for a gym membership that you never utilize, which I think a lot of Americans encounter quite often. Walking is a free form of exercise. I do a steady walk at least two-three times a week. Most recently I had a fantastic walk that was probably 20-30 minutes. I walked at my pace; the weather was perfect. When I say perfect, I mean just that. It was not too cold, it was not too hot, there was a great breeze and traffic was light outside.
Yeah, sometimes people are not fans of walking if there is just too much going on in your orbit as it can be a distraction. Was I tracking my physical progress as I did it? No. Sometimes I do with my smartwatch if I want to know how many steps I’ve taken in a given day, what my blood pressure is or to monitor some other specific stat when it comes to my health, however, it is not something I feel I HAVE TO DO.
If you’re doing any exercise compared to no exercise, you are doing something good America. However, the greatest benefit I have come to realize from walking is the clarity of mind. I mean I really get to clear my mind and not focus on anything but live in the moment. That was something I never thought about until now. The more I walk, the realization hits me more and more I’m at utter peace. I’m not thinking about anything. No work, no family, no money worries, no housing concerns, no family stressors, absolutely nothing.
Perhaps I’m so focused on living in the moment of walking that nothing matters, and that is a great feeling to have. Where I walk is a bit of a distance from my home, but you don’t have to follow my mantra. People, it is easy you can walk around the block near your neighborhood. If you live close to your local grocer, you can walk there to pick up your items, instead of driving your vehicle.
If you want to do a bit of local shopping why not walk to your destination if possible? If you have dogs, you have to take them for a walk and that is a great form of exercise that you can do multiple times. Point being there is no excuse as to why you cannot exercise, especially when it comes to walking. Long story short, walking is so easy and doesn’t require a ton of physical exertion. It is free and best of all it allows you to decompress, which is something we all need when our lives are super busy.
Written By Davy Jones