WEST HOLLYWOOD—On September 3, the City of West Hollywood announced its plan to reduce the incidents of motorists who unlawfully abuse disabled placards.
The city will enforce efforts to locate individuals who fraudulently display disabled placards without proper identification. The City’s Parking Division has set up a program in which motorists who are found presenting disabled placards may be randomly approached by enforcement officials to provide verification that they legally own the placards. Individuals who fail to provide this verification may be penalized with confiscation of the placards and a parking violation fee of $500.
Motorists who have their placards confiscated may recover the placards, and the fee would be reduced to a $25 administrative fee if they provide DMV identification to the city’s parking enforcement office within 21 days. Otherwise the citation will be considered valid and the placard reported as fraudulent.
The city reports that abuse of disabled placards is becoming increasingly common in many cities and is upsetting parking access to disabled people. It is believed that the new crackdown on motorists who misuse disabled placards will significantly improve parking accessibility to disabled individuals.
For further information, contact Don Norte or Jackie Rocco at the City of West Hollywood, Department of Public Works, Parking Division, at 323-848-6374. For the hearing-impaired, call 323-848-6496.