UNITED STATES—I’m sorry I’m going to say something that is going to annoy a lot of individuals, but I don’t care. I could care less about Tik Tok. One minute you have politicians from both sides, Democrats and Republicans arguing the threat that Tik Tok poses to our national security so much to the point they agree on a bill that becomes a law to ban the social media app unless the Chinese government sells the company.
Fast-forward to a few weeks before the November 2024 election and you have both presidential candidates on Tik Tok and promoting it, so explain yourselves. Either it’s a threat or its not; and if it is a threat then why are you utilizing it? C’mon make it make sense. All I keep hearing is so many individuals utilize Tik Tok as a career, and then I say doing what exactly. Viral videos, social media influencers? I still am baffled that people legitimately consider being a social media influencer as a career.
You are simply promoting a product because you’re getting paid to do it, and 9 out of 10 times most celebrities or social media influencers are not even using the actual product they’re promoting! It is a simple money grab and I know people don’t want to hear it, but facts are facts people. You are promoting something because you’re getting paid to do it; if you were NOT getting paid you would not be promoting the product.
Some of the videos on these social media apps including Tik Tok are just plain and stupid, I mean stupid. I have been trying to wrap my mind around how the hell Americans can spend hours and I mean hours looking at Tik Tok or videos on other social media platforms where a person is doing absolutely nothing. The amount of time that could be utilized doing something more productive amazes me America. It truly does.
Tik Tok went down Saturday night for like 12 hours; Americans were losing their got damn minds, only for it to return like almost 12 hours later, and President Donald Trump was trying to take credit for saving the app. Nice try Donald you didn’t save Tik Tok, you did not. This should perhaps open people’s eyes to the tutelage of social media: it is a side hustle. You should not put all your eggs into one basket when it comes to social media, it explains why you have so many various social media platforms out there. When one becomes outdated you’ll have another one pop up.
Do I believe Tik Tok is going to vanish in some capacity? Yes, I do because I don’t think the Chinese government is going to sell the company for it to have American investors, I just don’t see it. However, if it does disappear it is not the end of the world because you’ll have some other new app that rises and becomes the popular platform for the moment.
Think MySpace, Facebook, those are social media platforms of the past, especially MySpace, Facebook is knocking on the door because it’s used by old people (sorry, facts are facts), X is popular, but its lost its mojo and Instagram is not as potent as it used to be. That is the thing with social media apps like Tik Tok; one minute you’re the talk of the town and then the next you’re forgotten because something new and shiny has come home for the public to play with.
Written By Jason Jones