UNITED STATES−On Saturday, July 29, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on anti-trust law. The CEOs of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google stated that social media posts claiming hydroxychloroquine as the cure for COVID-19 would be removed.

“We do not want to become arbiters of the truth. I think that would be a bad position for us to be in and not what we should be doing. But on specific claims, if someone is going to go out and say that hydroxychloroquine is proven to cure COVID, and that statement could lead people to take a drug, that in some cases, that some of the data suggest, that it might be harmful to people, we think that we should take it down.”- Mark Zuckerberg

This hearing came to fruition after an organization of American Frontline Doctors came together to take a stand for hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment for COVID-19. The organization is reportedly over 800 members strong of doctors and specialists from all over the world who have indicated that they are being silenced and have had positive results using the controversial drug, hydroxychloroquine.


On Monday, July 27, 2020, outside the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) many members of the American frontline doctors joined forces and spoke out about the misinformation being given regarding COVID-19 and the treatment for it.


Video footage of the testimony of many doctors went viral over many social media platforms. The video receiving over 200 million views prior to being removed from every platform it was posted on.


Dr. Stella Immanuel

News reports indicate that what got the video taken down was the testimony of Dr. Stella Gwandiku-Ambe Immanuel, a Cameroonian American physician. Dr. Immanuel spoke at length about the positive results she had treating over 300 patients with the combination of hydroxychloroquine, Zithromax, and zinc. She stated that “not one of them died.”

Dr. Immanuel touched on the closing of schools saying, “There is no reason to be locked down when there is a cure.” Claiming that this combination was a cure is reportedly what got the video footage of the American Frontline Doctors weighing in on the results they’ve personally encountered taken down.

Social media posts and false news reports appeared to make Dr. Immanuel sound incompetent while she truly is an expert in her field.

Dr. Immanuel has a long list of credentials and currently resides in Houston, TX. She took a stand knowing that she would be attacked and she said as much when giving her testimony last Monday.

One comment that was posted repeatedly suggested Dr. Immanuel believed in aliens. None of these comments had any merit yet they were not taken down or censored.