Tag: flowers

Annuals Should Match The Weather

UNITED STATES—Pulling out cool season annuals that are still somewhat colorful is never easy, even if they are already deteriorating. There is always the...

Chrysanthe-Mum Is The Word

UNITED STATES—Only a few decades ago, when horticulture was taken more seriously, potted blooming plants like chrysanthemums, orchids, azaleas, hydrangeas, lilies and even poinsettias,...

The Right Bulbs Save Energy

UNITED STATES—After working so hard to bloom so impressively in spring or summer, bulbs redirect their efforts into saving up their energy for winter...

Annuals Change With The Seasons

UNITED STATES—Like it or not, the warm season annuals that were so flashy all through spring and summer will eventually need to be replaced...

Summer Flowers Make The Cut

UNITED STATES—It would seem obvious that there would be more flowers to cut to bring into the home during summer than there would be...

Few Flowers Have Both Color And Fragrance

UNITED STATES—More flowers bloom as winter becomes early spring than at any other time of year. For many flowers, bloom is significantly accelerated this...

Overworked Plants May Recover Slowly

UNITED STATES—Landscaping and growing houseplants really is no way to bring nature closer to home. If it were up to nature, most of our...

Why Cyclamen Are So Popular

UNITED STATES—Cyclamen are everywhere! Some nurseries have more cyclamen than all other cool season annuals combined. Not all cyclamen are represented though. Almost all...
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