Tag: seed

Wintry Berries Are Already Colorful

UNITED STATES—Seed of most vegetation here finishes developing by late autumn to be ready for winter. It wants to germinate while soil is damp,...

Dried Flowers Were Formerly Fresh

UNITED STATES—All sorts of flowers bloom through autumn as well as winter. Honeysuckle still exudes its richly sweet summery fragrance. Honestly though, most flowers...

Gathering Seed To Grow Later

UNITED STATES—Deadheading, or the removal of deteriorating bloom, is contrary to the purpose of bloom. It conserves resources for subsequent bloom or vegetative growth....

Winter Vegetables Are Starting Now

UNITED STATES—Winter bedding plants are a reminder. They become in season at about the same time as winter vegetables. Therefore, as pansies replace petunias,...

Weed Abatement Beyond Refined Gardens

UNITED STATES—Gardening involves weeds. Gardening outside of refined gardens involves more weeds. A few of such weeds are native species which grow where they...

Layering Can Copy Favored Flora

UNITED STATES—Seed is the most familiar method of propagation. However, some popular plants produce no viable seed. Some produce seed that is genetically very...

Feral Vegetation Inherits Natural Advantages

UNITED STATES—Most vegetation within home gardens is better than it was naturally in the wild. For many, systematic selection isolated the best from average...

Deadheading Redirects Resources For Growth

UNITED STATES—Early spring bulbs that went into their gardens last autumn are now blooming. Some are already done. Some summer bulbs should begin to...

Weeds Are Prolific And Invasive

UNITED STATES—Warming spring weather accelerates bloom and growth. Early spring bloom is now much more colorful than the best of winter bloom. Fresh foliage...

Vegetables Change With The Seasons

UNITED STATES—Annuals are not all that change with the seasons. Vegetables do also. After all, with few exceptions, vegetable plants are also annuals, or...

Berries Get Colorful For Winter

UNITED STATES—Some vegetation excels at exploitation of wildlife. All sorts of flowers use color and floral form to attract pollinators. Also, many flowers rely...

Seed Collection For Another Season

UNITED STATES—Deadheading conserves resources that would otherwise sustain production of seed. For species that bloom more than once, it promotes continued bloom. For others,...

Cuttings Become Copies Of Originals

UNITED STATES—Seed is the most familiar source of much of the vegetation that inhabits home gardens. It is the origin of almost all vegetables...

True To Type Seed Collection

UNITED STATES—Flowers produce seed. That is their priority. Flowers that do not rely primarily on wind for pollination are colorful and fragrant merely to...

Collecting Seed For Another Season

UNITED STATES—Seed that is available in hardware stores and nurseries came from somewhere. Plants just like those that such seed grows into produced it....

Seed Of Doubt Gains Timely Popularity

UNITED STATES—Many of us who are still sowing spring seed know the doubt. Seed for warm season vegetables and bedding plants is presently scarce....

Vegetables Change With The Seasons

UNITED STATES—Right smack in the middle of the warm part of summer, it is already time to be getting ready for autumn gardening. This...

Save Some Seed For Later

UNITED STATES—Flowers do not last forever. Whether they last for only a day, or weeks, they all eventually finish what they were designed to...

Saving Seed For Next Season

UNITED STATES—The gardens with the most flowers need the most deadheading. This involves the removal of deteriorating flowers and any developing fruiting structures and...

Flowers Are Only The Beginning

UNITED STATES—Flowers have a bigger and better agenda than coloring our gardens and homes. They bloom to get pollinated. Their color and fragrance are...
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