SANTA MONICA—On Tuesday, December 15, the Santa Monica City Council unanimously voted to allocate $10,000 from their Discretionary Fund and committed to match another $10,000 from the community through December 31 to support the holiday food pantry at Virginia Avenue Park.
The generous donations are an effort to recognize the Santa Monica’s front-line workers and their dedicated service to the community during the pandemic. The pandemic has impacted businesses and families alike, so any donation a Santa Monica resident contributes will go directly to We Are Santa Monica fund.
In partnership with the California Community Foundation (CCF) and the city of Santa Monica, the We Are Santa Monica Fund was created to provide relief for businesses, to advance racial equality for the residents of color in Santa Monica, and to serve food for families in need during Covid-19. The Virginia Avenue Park food pantry is categorized under serving families in the community.
The holiday food pantry at Virginia Avenue Park is operated by the city and serves families in need with “nutritious food boxes” during the holiday season. According to the We Are Santa Monica fund website, a donation of “$50 supports a family for two weeks. A donation of $100 supports a family for the entire holiday month of December.”
“We know Santa Monica comment members are struggling and we want to rally around them with nutritious food this holiday season. We invite you who are not struggling to join us in lifting up out fellow community member by donating to the We Are Santa Monica Fund. Your donation will help more families with food boxes through December and into the new year. The Council’s contribution honors the heroic and dedicated work of our City staff who have gone and beyond to deliver excellent service despite out 2020 challenges,” said Mayor Sue Himmelrich.
As of now, the city of Santa Monica has been able to provide 2,000 food boxes to families, according to a press release.
To make a donation, go to and click Holiday Food Pantry.