WEST HOLLYWOOD—Thieves put a gun to a man’s head while his pregnant wife watched on Wednesday, June 24, in West Hollywood.
The robbery happened at the couple’s apartment complex on the 1100 block of Larabee Street inside the parking garage at around 4:45 p.m. The couple was parking their car when the robbers attacked, demanding the man to give him his watch and his bag. The victim, who does not want to be identified according to Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, says that his wife has been left terrified from the attack.
The victim told police that he told the robbers to leave his nine months pregnant wife alone while he was held at gunpoint during the robbery. He also states that after the incident, she doesn’t want to go outside alone and doesn’t want to stay inside alone, either.
Residents at the apartment complex are concerned as the incident happened during daytime hours and the parking garage is secure with cameras. The attackers are not residents of the apartment complex, as the cameras caught the two suspects slipping into the garage before the electronic gate closed. Both were wearing a white t-shirt and one was wearing a beanie.
The deputies were not able to catch the suspects, even though they arrived on the scene within minutes of the crime. The only information police have gathered is that a suspicious light green four-door vehicle was reported in the area around the time of the robbery.
Detectives urge anyone with information to contact officials at (310) 358-4014.