BEVERLY HILLS—Beverly Hills Police Department Police Chief Sandra Spagnoli revealed the formation of a community panel, aimed to expand the BHPD community outreach in support of the 20-year Police and Community Together (PACT) initiative.

According to a press release from the BHPD, the Advisory Panel will be established under the direction of the Chief of Police and created to act as a community resource for the Police Chief in the formation of strategies, development of community policing concepts and increasing public awareness. The Panel will provide a forum for discussions concerning community concerns and the goal is to have a variety of viewpoints represented.

The rotating membership of the panel will consist of up to 20 citizens from the community who represent a range of interests and experience. Members will come from diverse backgrounds, including business, education, non-profits, public relations, faith-based community and more.

The role of the Panel members will include (but not be limited to):

-Act as a sounding board for the Chief of Police regarding community needs and concerns, as well as provide community feedback to current and proposed police programs and priorities.

-Apprise the Chief of Police directly of the community’s need for police services.

-Assist in educating the community at large about the function and role of the Beverly Hills Police Department.

-Attend monthly meetings.

-Be a City of Beverly Hills resident, business owner or active in the Beverly Hills community.

Members will be chosen by the Police Chief. Those selected to the advisory panel will serve for a minimum of one year to a maximum of two years and be selected for their commitment to the community. The Chief’s Advisory Panel will be led by the Chief Spagnoli and chairperson.

Public safety is a partnership, and this panel will enhance public safety, foster community relationships, build trust and keep our community served safe.