BEVERLY HILLS—The city of Beverly Hills and the Beverly Hills Fire Department is asking residents to be aware with additional precautions with fires impacting Southern California.
“The City of Beverly Hills is providing multi-departmental mutual aid assistance to the fires in Ventura County and Las Virgenes. We support our neighbors in their time of need and hope all the evacuees return home soon,” said Mayor Julian Gold. “Thank you to our Fire Department for keeping vigilant watch over our City.”
According to the Beverly Hills Fire Department, weather conditions can create severe fire danger in the northern section of the city of Beverly Hills, which is being designated as a “Very High Hazard Severity Zone” in the next few days. The BHFD has posted additional staff and equipment at the Coldwater Canyon Fire Station to patrol the area and monitoring the weather conditions.
Parking is restricted above Sunset Boulevard. on Calle Vista Dive, Schuyler Road, La Altura Road, El Retiro Way and Miradero Road. Restricted parking signs have been posted. Beverly Hills is reviewing plans for a possible disaster response involving all departments.
Residents are advised to review their emergency preparedness plans with family members and should be ready to evacuate if a fire threatens the region. Precautions include, filling vehicle tanks with fuel, parking cars facing out of the driveway and replenishing emergency supply kits for all family members, including pets. For information on how to prepare for an emergency, go to
Residents can sign up to receive emergency notifications from the city on their mobile phones. Depending on the situation, the information provided can include evacuation orders, road closures and location of shelters. All residents and businesses would automatically be notified on land lines. The city would like to have cell phone information for residents and businesses who do not have landlines or who are not at home.
To sign up, go to For Nixle alerts, text “BEVHILLS” and “BEVHILLSPD” to 888777 to receive text messages.
According to the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), the air quality in Beverly Hills is currently “good.” SCAQMD has issued a residential no-burn alert. For updated details visit