SANTA MONICA—The Santa Monica Housing Commission is inviting the public to help set goals for the year 2016.
There will be a Commission Retreat from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 2, in the Multipurpose Room of the Santa Monica Library, located at 601 Santa Monica Boulevard.
The Housing Commission is a seven-member board that advises the Santa Monica City Council on affordable housing issues. They will hold the retreat to put together priorities and formulate plans to better the housing opportunities within the city. All members of the public are invited to attend.
According to the mission statement on the Housing Commission’s website, “The Housing Division is dedicated to preserving existing affordable housing in Santa Monica and creating new housing opportunities for residents with low and moderate incomes. Pressures on the existing housing stock in Santa Monica from market forces and changes to state and federal laws will impact affordable housing opportunities for low and moderate income persons and families. The Housing Division works with private affordable housing developers and multi-family property owners to ensure that economic diversity, a hallmark of Santa Monica, continues to flourish and that longtime residents can remain in their households.”
The SMPL reports that the Multipurpose Room is wheelchair-accessible. Those who require any special accommodations (i.e. sign language interpreting, access to an amplified sound system, etc.), can contact the Housing Division at (310) 458-8702, at least, three days prior to the scheduled meeting.
The city of Santa Monica will make an audio recording of the Commission Retreat available to the public in the video and audio meeting archives at and on the Santa Monica Housing Division’s webpage at
For more information regarding the meeting or the Housing Commission in general, you may contact the city of Santa Monica Housing Division at (310) 458-8702 or visit