Tag: battles
“Godzilla Vs. Kong” Is Popcorn Fun!
HOLLYWOOD—I did not like either of the recent “Godzilla” films. The first was an absolute bore and took more than an hour before the...
Honoring Our Veterans America
UNITED STATES—It has been a holiday that I never fully appreciated until I had an in-depth conversation with family and my grandfather. Veterans Day...
“Pokémon: Detective Pikachu” Is Subpar
HOLLYWOOD—There are those films made to appeal to all, and then you have those flicks that tend to have a specific audience they attempt...
The Money Battle
UNITED STATES—Money, it is the one commodity some people have loads of and others wish they could earn more of it. With Christmas fast...
Speak Easy: Epic Rap Battles Of History
UNITED STATES—This hilarity provides a small break from reality that doesn't require drugs or alcohol. It also features satirical humor and all-around rude lyrics...