Tag: funny
Speak Easy: Epic Rap Battles Of History
UNITED STATES—This hilarity provides a small break from reality that doesn't require drugs or alcohol. It also features satirical humor and all-around rude lyrics...
“Spy” Is Full Of Hilarity
HOLLYWOOD—It’s safe to say that “Bridesmaids” made Melissa McCarthy a comedic superstar. The actress grew to fame when director Paul Feig cast her in...
“Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2” Laughs Galore
HOLLYWOOD—I recall when the film “Paul Blart: Mall Cop” arrived in 2009, my nephew seriously thought it was one of the funniest movies of...
My Funny Valentine
WASHINGTON D.C.—Remember those features in Readers Digest, "Laughter is the Best Medicine"? Do they still have that? Does Readers Digest still exist? In its...