WESTWOOD—Alberto Hinojos Medina, a Fresno State University student and Eric Marquez, a UCLA 5-year biology major have pled not guilty on charges of the murder of Andrea “Andy” Delvesco, the UCLA student who was found burned beyond recognition at her Pi Beta Phi residence.
One witness claimed seeing someone flee the scene of the crime during the fire. On a nearby surveillance video, the two men are also seen returning to the scene of the crime. Although the cause of death is still unknown, both suspects have been charged with one count of first-degree murder and two counts of burglary.
According to prosecutors, Medina stabbed Delvesco on September 21, after he burglarized another unit at the complex. He then set her residence on fire.
“He’s never been arrested in his life. This is a senseless crime. For somebody who’s going to school, who’s working, who volunteers, it’s really just hard to believe that a college student with no criminal record would commit this crime,” said Dmitry Gorin, Medina’s attorney during a press conference on Tuesday.
According to the Daily Bruin, surveillance videos also indicate that both men had entered into Marquez’s apartment about 10 minutes after the alleged murder. According to a witness, both men were seen in a red car and circling the area between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m.
“He didn’t get involved with this. He didn’t know what was going on. If Mr. Medina did in fact commit this crime, he did it on his own without Mr. Marquez,” said Steven Cron, Marquez’s attorney.
According to reports, Marquez and Medina were high school friends. Authorities have not yet disclosed details involving the relationship between the suspects and the victim. Canyon News reached out to the LAPD who has declined to comment any further as the investigation is ongoing.
Medina and Marquez are both set to appear in court on October 22. Canyon News contacted the Los Angeles Fire Department regarding information pertaining to DelVesco’s dog, Pandy, but has yet to hear back as of print.