WEST HOLLYWOOD—On Thursday, November 19, the West Hollywood Planning Commission voted 5-1 on the approval of a senior care facility. The facility is arranged to be built next to two historically designed houses located between 923-931 Palm Ave.

The planning commission had a four-hour hearing which resulted in the consent of the senior care home, just north of Cynthia Street. The projects unique design will allow the existing bungalows to be incorporated into the design layouts.

“The project site is designated as R-4B (High Density Residential, Subcategory B) in the City of West Hollywood’s 2035 General Plan (General Plan). The R-4 designation provides for the development of a wide range of high-density multi-family housing, including apartments and condominiums and allows for building types that are compatible in scale and character with existing structures and the development standards,” states a press release from the city of West Hollywood. The R4 designation permits a density of 50 units per acre, and the R4B subcategory limits heights for residential buildings to four stories and 45 feet” notes the press release.

The project will have local West Hollywood architect Ed Levin design the facility. The layout will be four stories high, a total of 33,460 square-foot with 48 rooms, in an L shaped building. The facility will also extend into the backyard of the two historic properties. The West Hollywood Planning Commission wants to incorporate the bungalow located at 927 Palm Ave. to handle the administrative work while 931 would be used for residential housing. There will also be parking, laundry/ kitchen facilities, and a hair salon/barber shop available for residents to access.

This project will break barriers as it will be the first assistant senior living facility in West Hollywood. The planning commission likes that the proposal would give seniors a place to age and still live within city limits once they are no longer able to stay on there own.

“Inclusivity is part of [the city’s] DNA and including people as they age, people who have created this community, people who have given to the community, we don’t want to lose that history, they can continue contributing to our community,” said Commissioner Rogerio Carvalheiro.

The West Hollywood planning commission expressed potential concerns about the project. including ambulances needing regulatory access to the facility which could cause delays and blockage of the street. Care will be provided by Cadence Living, and will cost more than $5,000 a month.

Issues raised by residents include the historical bungalows located at 927 and 931 N. Palm Avenue, and ensuring they would be retained and rehabilitated as part of the project.

“The bungalow at 931 N. Palm Avenue would remain as a standalone bungalow for an individual or couple who require less care than residents at the main facility, and the bungalow at 927 N. Palm Avenue would be rehabilitated to serve as the building’s public entry and reception room with as much of the original interior retained as possible. The standalone bungalow would provide 716 square feet of residential space, and the 927 N. Palm Avenue bungalow would provide 840 square feet for a reception area and auxiliary uses,” states the press release from the city.

Canyon News reached out to members of the West Hollywood Planning Commission, but did not hear back before print.