SANTA MONICA—On Monday, April 18, the leader of the Courage Campaign resigned after allegedly referring to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party as corporate “whores.” The resignation of leader Dr. Paul Y. Song, who is a doctor, was released by the Courage Campaign Monday morning with no explanation. Courage Campaign spokeswoman Madison Donzis spoke with and told them she couldn’t comment on the matter. “I think he would be best to answer that question,” said Donzis.
Dr. Song had made the comment about the former Secretary of State and the Democratic Party at a Bernie Sanders Rally in Washington Square Park in New York on April 14. According to Dr. Song, the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton had failed to enact healthcare reform.
“Well, I agree with Secretary Clinton that Medicare-for-all will never happen if we have a president who never aspires for something greater than the status quo,” said Song. “Medicare-for-all will never happen if we continue to elect corporate Democratic whores who are beholden to Big Pharma and the private insurance industry instead of us.”
An apology was issued by the Sanders campaign the next day. “Dr. Song’s comment was inappropriate and insensitive. There’s no room for language like that in our political discourse,” tweeted Bernie Sanders.
Dr. Song is an oncologist who practices in the Santa Monica area. He apologized noting that his comments were “insensitive.” He has since deleted his Twitter account. Clinton supporters reminded Dr. Song that Bill Clinton helped with the release of his sister-in-law and journalist Laura Ling from North Korea.
Hillary was at the home of actor-writer-director George Clooney on Saturday for a fundraiser. His home was the site of a $33,400 per person fundraiser for her presidential campaign. Clooney was seen on NBC’s “Meet The Press” on Sunday defending his right to hold the fundraiser.
“The Sanders campaign when they talk about it is absolutely right. It’s ridiculous we should have this amount of money in politics,” said Clooney.
The Courage Campaign will now be spearheaded by it’s former political director, Eddie Kurtz.