HOLLYWOOD—“Big Brother” is a reality show that places several strangers in a house and locks them off from the real world (no television, no music, no magazines; nothing but each other). The show first premiered in July 2000.Cameras and microphones captured every word and action, so it intrigued people to watch. I’ll be honest, the first season wasn’t great. The series was unsure where to go, and the audience had too much control. But after 12 seasons, the show continues to give audiences what they expect—surprises.Place any group of strangers in a house and cut them off from technology, and anyone would go crazy.

Season two of “BB” made things interesting by introducing a whole new batch of characters and a new twist in the game, “Head of Household.” The HOH nominates two house guests for eviction each week.  There were more challenges and antics in the house, and we were introduced to one of the greatest players of all-time, Will Kirby. He played the game with such deception and wisdom, it’s no surprise he was crowned champ. Since season two, “BB” has consistently delivered memorable characters that audiences gravitate to. In season three, we were introduced to master manipulator Danielle and fan favorite Marcellas, whom everyone wanted to punch because he didn’t use the Power of Veto on himself. Season four gave viewers mean girl Allison. Season five introduced another twist, as one of the contestants was secretly playing the game with her twin sister.

Perhaps my favorite seasons have to be Seasons six and seven. Season six gave us Janelle, who was an underdog who fought to the finish. How can you forget Janelle winning HOH, moments after one of her friends was evicted, exacting justice on the house guest that was responsible?  Season seven brought back the all-stars, and that season was the guiltiest pleasure ever.Janelle, Will, Danielle, Marcellas, Mike, Erika and Allison, all in one house; it was must-see television. Ultimately in the end, the battle should have come down to Janelle and Will, perhaps the best players in “BB” history. Season eight gave us “evil” Dick, the most vicious contestant in the “BB” house ever. But the public loved him, and he eventually took the top prize.

In Season 11, the battle lines were drawn. It was the season where, as viewers, you had your favorites, and you knew who you hated, as the house guests were broken into high school cliques. Natalie was just so villainous. It was a hoot to see Jeff dismantle the alliance between herself, Jessie, Russell and Chima. He was the first house guest to use the coup d’état and not be afraid of the repercussions. Chima’s outrageous rant when Jessie was evicted caused her to get thrown out of the house, and it was great TV.

Season 12 just kicked off, and I already have my favorites. That’s what’s so fantastic about “BB.” The viewers play a big role in the series. We have our favorites and those that we despise. Every season, there’s always at least one character you identify with or whose game plan you respect. If there’s one thing we hate, it’s a player who pretends to be someone they’re not; if you’re a backstabber, then announce it and don’t contradict it when confronted. If you play with integrity, then do it, but don’t be afraid to play the game. Of course, there’s always alliances, and here’s a tip for all house guests; never form an alliance in week one. They never last because you don’t know these people. “The Brigade” (Matt, Lane, Enzo and Hayden) already think they’re running the house. The first alliance created is always the first to be dismantled. Watch previous seasons if you doubt me.

I’m already enjoying couple Brendon and Rachel. They’re underdogs that everyone is after. Rachel comes across as a ditzy girl with big breasts; however, she’s a chemist, and it’s amazing that no one knows except Brendon and the Saboteur (Annie), who just got evicted. This was a wicked twist that would have totally shaken up the house. Annie was so not obvious, but kudos for her amazing speech right before she was evicted. She was cunning, blunt and full of rage, doing everything in her power to save herself.But this is “BB,” so always expect the unexpected. I also like Britney because she’s a firecracker who says what’s on her mind, but that could cost her.

There’s bound to be another twist that will shake this house to the core. A house guest may return or a fan favorite may join the game. Perhaps something even more sinister may occur. We’ll just have to tune in and see.“Big Brother” airs Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays on CBS.