HOLLYWOOD—We all had such high hopes for “Big Brother 19,” but after a long 3 months, the reality hit is thankfully coming to an end people. Last week as predicted Alex got the boot, but not before she made sure Paul felt guilty as hell about betraying her. I mean when she learned he would not use the veto she was dumbfounded, speechless, yeah, Cody told you and Jason that Alex, but did you listen, nope. Without further ado, Alex was sent packing to the jury house, and right behind her was Kevin who also believed for reasons I cannot fathom, that Paul was closely aligned with him.
What the hell happened to this promising cast America? It seemed like as soon as Paul entered the foray the season went straight to hell with nearly everyone except Jessica and Cody following in his every footstep. These last few episodes have been so lackluster; I was eagerly pleased we got the opportunity to go inside the jury house. I mean this is like only the second time the entire season we have entered the jury house America. Paul has indeed played an impressive game and with very little opposition it looks like he could be crowned the winner, or at least that is what most fans of the series suspects.
For way too long, Cody, Mark and Elena have been bonding, but Matt arrived and no one was surprised to say the least. The fact that Matt seemed happy to be in jury just proves how useless of a character this guy has been all season, and I’m not joking. When Elena and Mark questioned Matt about why Jason would nominate him and Raven to backdoor Kevin, left him clueless. No lightbulbs went off in that guy’s head. When Matt tried to call out Cody, the robot steamed and just left the room. Let’s just say Cody REALLY doesn’t like Matt. A week later, Jason arrived just as the jury expected. He delivered plenty of shock to the rest of the jury when he shared details of his eviction, and theories that Alex and Paul betrayed him. I love Elena inside the BB jury house; I just wish she played this same type of game inside the BB house.
I mean she totally realized Christmas was going after Jason during her nomination speech, yet, Jason and Alex didn’t pick up on that. Now that eviction, which I will call one of the greatest blindsides in BB history, even had Cody laughing. I mean Cody walked on a table, but Jason literally stormed out, and Cody was a fan people. Yes, I’m spending plenty of time on the jury house because that was the best thing to happen in the past week leading up to the big finale. With Jason still confused, Raven later entered the house to explain that Alex was loyal to her and was unaware of his blindside. However, she spilled a bit of tea in cluing Jason in on what Josh noted in his goodbye message: PAUL was in on the plan all along.
That Raven, oh, the girl is a character. She literally thought she was a puppet master the entire season alongside Paul. She tried her best to convince; Elena, Mark, and Jason that Paul’s true allegiance belonged to her and Matt. Elena couldn’t help but laugh, and loudly in Raven’s face. The girl is delusional as hell. However, the biggest icing on the cake was Alex’s arrival, which proved to Jason she was loyal and they both were duped by Paul. Jason is bitter people, and it looks like Mark and Elena could be too.
However, Raven is loyal as ever to Paul and I assume Matt will be too, and Alex, while she seems loyal she could be swayed. Especially considering it seems no one in the jury house likes Matt and Raven, I mean Jason was completely turned off by the two, Elena couldn’t help but laugh at them, and Mark even got into a tense argument about Raven when he called her out on doing nothing all summer.
Sorry Raven, Mark’s right you didn’t win anything and all you did was play house with Matt for close to 80 days. So we have our final three which consists of precisely what I expected: Paul and 2 GOATS, not the greatest of all time people, literal goats that followed his beckon call and need, more so Christmas than Josh. So how will the jury vote, will Paul find himself Vanessa’ed at the final three, or can he prove his case to jury? Or here’s an even better theory: could Josh outwit the master manipulator?
We’ll find out during the two-hour season finale on Wednesday, September 20 at 8 p.m. on CBS. Oh, and we still have that other lingering prize: America’s Favorite Player. My instinct tells me it’s between Jessica, Cody and Kevin, but I’m inclined to root for Jody as they did their best to go against the opposition to make this season somewhat interesting. Oh, and to see the reaction of the HGs when they learn they are not as loved by America as they think.