HOLLYWOOD—It is starting to feel like the same ole same ole on “Big Brother 25.” I’m starting to be in agreement with others, when a player is evicted from the game that is it, you’re out of the game. When you bring players evicted from the game back into the game it literally stifles gameplay in the worst possible way. I was so high on BB25 at the start of the season, but that damn zombie twist and then the revolving door that brought an evicted player back into the game has caused slower gameplay than expected.
That competition for either Cameron or Jared to re-enter the game, was a complete piece of trash. Really, 1 ball in 3 minutes? If anything it should have been 3 balls in 3 minutes. It was a layup to get back into the house for Cameron. Who re-entered the game, and Jared was officially evicted. Jeez, great, because Cameron became HOH for the 3rd time and won his third veto of the season. It is really a problem when the players know the competitions are physical and they can just dominate.
Producer Allison Grodner needs to wake up and change the game, it is getting so bad I don’t even care about the competitions anymore. I truly wish Rich Meehan was still around because I swear BB3 thru BB10 seemed like the golden years where anyone, young or old, frail or tough could win an HOH or POV to change the course of the game. With that said, Cameron seems aligned with The Fugitives (Matt and Jag), the only other people in the house who have won a competition next to Felicia.
Cameron wanted to target Felicia for reasons I cannot fathom. She is NOT the strongest competitor and you can beat her in the end. For whatever reason, he thinks she will not vote for him if he’s sitting in the end. Cameron you’re getting ahead of yourself. You have to make it to the final two, and you have an issue similar to Jag: you’ve both been evicted from the game. If I was a houseguest, there is no way I’m voting for someone who was evicted from the game over someone who wasn’t. Jag doesn’t see that and his dark horse is Matt.
He doesn’t beat him in a final two, no way at all. Matt cleans the floor with almost anyone he sits next to besides Cirie and Cory. Great thing for Cirie, Matt wants to take her to the end, but fails to realize the social threat of this woman. He even spilled a bit of a secret that is a big one that Cirie absolutely can use as a weapon during the right time about a potential backdoor on Cory.
Cameron made his nominations of Felicia and Mecole. So far only Bowie, Matt and Cirie haven’t been nominated after 9 weeks in the game. I’m sorry, but Bowie is the most purple contestant I can recall in years. I so would have liked to see her evicted over Izzy, Jared, Hisam, hell, Reilly at this point. Those were actual characters; Bowie is just there and she’s that type of player I hate in the game that just floats to wherever the power is. Is it a strategy, yes, but I have difficulty seeing her win this game. If she does it might be one of the worst winners since Jordan Lloyd and Josh Martinez from BB11 and BB19.
Cameron won the POV and considered a major move, backdooring Cory. Was it wise? No, but Matt was all in because he gets rid of the threat of Cory in the game and that means Cameron would soon be targeted as well by the house. Genius for Matt, horrid for Cameron and Jag was having none of it. Jag did good work to prevent Cory from getting the backdoor treatment, but I still feel the Diary Room played a role in Cameron suddenly having a change of heart on the move after being so gungho about it for nearly 48 hours.
Like it or not, Cameron likes America and her flirting gives him the indication he might have a shot. Yes, for the casuals you have no idea as to what is taking place, which is why the live feeds are critical. Do I think America will float to Cameron if Cory leaves? I don’t know, if she’s playing the game she can placate him as much as possible until she strikes. However, she is indeed drawing dead at a victory, if she doesn’t make a move and a big one, I don’t see how she wins the game. Her personal connections besides Cory and Jag are SERIOUSLY LACKING. Same issue with Bowie, she is lying about her age and her life, and she isn’t connecting with people. I don’t think a person will bat an eye if she is evicted. Not good. Hell, Bowie might beat America if they’re the final two at the end and that’s telling, but I see no way in the world how that transpires.
At the POV meeting, Felicia delivered a shock to Cory and America as the two got into an argument. I love Felicia, she has no shame in speaking her mind and I absolutely love that about her. I just wish she had more of a chance to win another HOH. These physical comps are just bad when the players can predict stuff. Her winning HOH if she survives means Cameron, Cory, America, Jag, Matt could all be in trouble and I’m all for that people. I need a Cirie, MeMe, Felicia or Blue HOH, that is the only way we’re going to get a shakeup in the game. Hell, we haven’t seen a woman HOH or comp win since week 3. All competitions after Felicia’s HOH win have been victories for men. What does that say people? Something is indeed wrong.
With that said, it looks like Felicia is toast, but murmurs are there about taking out Mecole and it’s the right move definitely for Matt and Jag because she is coming after them, but they’d piss off Cameron in the process. Cory that is NOT the move because Meme might be the one person NOT looking to target you right away.
Cameron is stubborn and once he has his mind set, he rarely waivers. So glad he can’t compete for HOH this week and if he doesn’t win that POV he is likely evicted or is going to be or remain a nominee. Cory realized he was in serious danger of being a replacement this week, and hopefully his antennas were raised at the fact that Jag and Matt knew and never told him. Hmm, not only are they considering getting rid of you, but they are also aligned with Cameron.
So jury is officially supposed to start with the next eviction on October 12 (we think). And that means we only have like 4 weeks left of the game with 9 people. I expect a double eviction the week of October 19, and there has to be another twist or so in the game because it feels stagnant and a shakeup is needed. What the producers might have in store I don’t know. However, I hate to say this, I’m ready for BB25 to be over. For the 25th season, I just wanted a lot more and I feel like we might be looking at a steamroll in the jury phase after such an exciting pre-jury.
This season should have brought out the titans, but BB doesn’t know how to do what “Survivor” does, give the viewers and fans what they want. We do have hopefully a live HOH, which means a crapshoot (it’s greatly needed) or another quiz which I’m all for because it opens the door for anyone to win, which is the fun of “Big Brother.”