WESTWOOD—The dispute between Westwood homeowners and the Coalition to Ban Billboard Blight versus digital billboard companies has finally come to a resolution. On Wednesday, February 17, it was concluded that it was unlawful for L.A. city officials to have permits on the replacement for electronic signs.

The ongoing war of the signs was located in Westwood Boulevard and Santa Monica Boulevard. The adversary digital companies included were CBS Outdoor and Clear Channel Outdoor, which had primarily violated local zoning plans for the city.

The regulations stated that the billboard could not have any appearance of movement, which the digital billboards did have, as the West Los Angeles Planning Commission argued.

Although, CBS commented that one of the billboards had met all the requirements, it was the planning boards that acted wrongly.

The settlement had been ruled illegal by a judge in court since November 2009, but the billboard companies had appealed.

Apparently, this has been ongoing according to the Web site of the Coalition to Ban Billboard Blight (banbillboardblight.org). The matter had not been resolved until Wednesday because both groups had been in contact or in a discussion with each other, as known by the city officials, and it resulted in no public statements. Laura Brill, attorney for the billboard companies, had stated that her clients were in progress to communicate and resolve matters.