NEW YORK—New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton are joining forces to forces to expand abortion laws in the state of New York. Clinton and Cuomo appeared together at a rally in Manhattan, NY, where Cuomo is promising to expand abortion rights for New Yorkers making it difficult to repeal the new legislation if enacted into law.
Pro-abortion lawmakers are attempting to pass the Reproductive Health Act which was first introduced in 2007 by former Governor Eliot Spitzer.
“I was proud to be joined by my friend Hillary Clinton to call for a NY constitutional amendment to protect a woman’s right to control her own reproductive health #RHAin30Days,” tweeted Cuomo on January 7.
The new law would allow an abortion any time during pregnancy through the third trimester for any reason, which is included in the original writing of the U.S. Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade from 1973.
The laws would recind the rights of individuals who are born alive during an abortion, and rescind the rights of babies who die in the womb, as a result of domestic violence.
The new legislature would allow for non-physicians to conduct abortions and require all insurance carriers to cover abortions.
Clinton, who is an abortion advocate touted New York’s history calling it the home of Planned Parenthood’s first location.
“Advancing the rights of women and girls is the great unfinished business of the 21st century,” said Clinton to The New York Times.
The opening of the New York legislature was January 9. Cuomo requested that the Reproductive Health Act within 30 days.
For a constitutional amendment to be passed, the bill must be sponsored by both the Senate and the Assembly. After a clearing committee and a vote in both chambers the bill will not go straight to the governor, but will have to be pass a second time before becoming it becomes a constitutional amendment.