UNITED STATES—Running a fleet company isn’t an easy task. Not only do you need to look after your staff but also keep the performance of your vehicles in top condition. You will notice better results if you invest in the health of your vehicles and make sure your staff has all they need to succeed. The trouble is, saying you’re going to give your cars and staff the TLC they deserve is one thing; doing it (and measuring the outcomes) is another.

This is where GPS fleet tracking for field service companies comes into play. Fleet tracking devices will assist you in growing your firm. A high-quality fleet tracking tool will also assist you in keeping everyone happy—your staff, customers, and, ultimately, you.

When contemplating small fleet GPS tracking, business owners frequently hesitate because they fear their team would question their loss of privacy, job competency, or job fairness. GPS fleet tracking assists you in identifying simple changes that may have a significant impact on your bottom line, the satisfaction of your workforce, and the health of your organization.

Read on to learn more about GPS tracking and fleet maintenance and how it can improve vehicle performance.

What Exactly Is GPS Tracking?

Global Positioning System is another abbreviation for GPS tracking. It can pinpoint the precise position of a person or anything on Earth with the help of a network of 24 satellites in orbit and ground-based equipment.

 What Is Fleet Tracking and How Does It Work?

Fleet tracking is a management system that is used by fleet business owners. Fleet tracking uses GPS tracking to monitor the activities of a fleet of vehicles and assets (such as people and equipment). It’s also known as vehicle tracking or Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL). 

GPS fleet tracking collects data from fleet cars and assets using telematics technology. This data is generally collected in near real-time (actively) using a vehicle monitoring device linked to a vehicle’s OBD port or connected to the vehicle’s wiring harness, making it more helpful for fleet managers and company owners. 

Data from GPS fleet monitoring systems may be utilized to make strategic fleet choices.

Fleet Tracking to Streamline Fleet Maintenance

You can set up automated alerts using a GPS tracker system to notify your team when your cars and assets achieve specified milestones, from age to real mileage. This means you can plan for timely (and even proactive) vehicle maintenance to maintain your fleet in peak condition.

Not only will this make fleet management easier, but it will also minimize the likelihood of broken-down cars, boost driver safety, and save you money on fleet maintenance in the long term.

GPS Tracking for Trucks

GPS truck tracking uses cellular and satellite technologies to monitor asset and fleet vehicle whereabouts and activity. Fleet managers may make strategic decisions to reduce loading times, increase daily productivity, predict fuel consumption and pollution levels, and track asset utilization when they can find cars and assets in real-time.

Active GPS and passive GPS are the two forms of GPS tracking for vehicles. GPS trackers process and transfer data in real-time in the active approach, giving visibility at all times and from any location. When activated (for example, by a time interval or the entrance or leave of a vehicle across a geofence), a passive GPS tracker will collect and deliver data. The majority of contemporary vehicle tracking uses a combination of active and passive GPS technologies.

How to Improve Vehicle Performance with GPS Tracking and Fleet Maintenance?

Here are 7 ways that Real-time GPS Fleet tracking and fleet maintenance helps you to improve your vehicle performance:

  • Get a broader picture of fleet performance with a live dashboard

The most straightforward approach to assess fleet vehicle performance is via a live dashboard that displays graphs on key performance criteria. It provides both the overall picture and all of the details in a single glance. A live dashboard and graph offer a glimpse of the trends that gives you a comprehensive view, and a few clicks on it takes you deeper with complete data that indicates how your vehicle’s performance is and what action is needed to increase its efficiency and performance.

  • Monitor the location of the vehicle

If you operate a fleet of vehicles, you understand the importance of tracking their positions and fuel efficiency. A GPS monitoring system for vehicles will help you with both of these tasks, and it might wind up saving you a lot of money on gasoline. One of the primary advantages of a GPS tracking system is the ability to identify the position of your car. When you know where all of your vehicles are, you can pick them up faster and save gas. This can result in significant financial savings for any fleet maintenance.

  • Helps maintain routine fleet maintenance 

A fleet maintenance plan and a GPS tracking device can increase a vehicle’s fuel economy. Most people are aware of conventional automobile service, which is performed every few months or so to extend the lifespan of cars and decrease the danger of unexpected failures, which can result in downtime. But did you know that regular auto maintenance may also help your car use less fuel? You can keep your car operating smoothly without wasting gasoline if it is properly maintained. A GPS vehicle monitoring system is beneficial since it will offer you data analytics on vehicle health as well as send you reminders for vehicle repair so you don’t forget.

  • Route optimization 

Route optimization plays a very important role in maintaining and improving fleet vehicle performance. A fleet can use dynamic routing if GPS tracking data is available. Routes can be planned by managers to fulfill projected delivery timeframes. The capacity to follow the driver’s whereabouts and anticipate when they will arrive at their specified locations while avoiding known traffic bottlenecks or adverse weather. This will help save fuel and reduce unnecessary wear and tear in the long run thus saving money and improving the vehicle’s performance.


Improving and maintaining the performance of fleet vehicles is crucial. This will not only help run your business efficiently but also reduce the total overall expense in the long run.