HOLLYWOOD—So many predicted that “Jurassic World” would dominate the box-office without any competition this weekend, unfortunately they were wrong. While “Jurassic World” maintained first place with moviegoers taking in $102 million, the animation flick “Inside Out” was a formidable foe. The Pixar flick took in more than $91 million in its opening weekend to nab second place.
In only 2 weeks, “World” has earned over $400 million at the domestic box-office. There is no telling how much money the flick could earn before leaving theaters in the coming weeks. “Inside Out” debuted as one of the highest debut of a Pixar flick. Falling to third place is the comedy “Spy” which added another $10.5 million. The disaster flick “San Andreas” continues to deliver rattles to audiences with another $8.2 million to its tally to earn fourth place.
Landing in fifth place was the indie flick “Dope” which amounted $6 million in its debut weekend. This weekend sees the release of “Ted 2.” Yep, Mark Wahlberg and his teddy bear with a foul mouth are back for more antics.