CALIFORNIA—It’s the food that brings the community together; and it’s Jonathan Gold who tells us the uniqueness of Los Angeles. Hardly anyone can resist delicious food cravings, just like no one can resist the awe-inspiring writing techniques that Gold included in his food reviews.


With over two decades of experience in working as a food writer, Jonathan Gold, an American food critic who had written for the Los Angeles Times and other publications, branded himself through the journey of exploring diverse food. Unlike other food critics, Gold not only focused on food itself but also the stories behind the dishes. As a food critic, he brought the knowledge to the table and dedicated himself to truly understand various food and diverse cultures in LA.


In the documentary “City of Gold,” the audiences can understand more about Gold’s passion for food, and his storying telling skills that had enriched his articles. Gold was always curious about different types of cuisines and was willing to learn the origins of them. He always read a huge number of books to get to know diverse cultures before tasting the food in the restaurants as well as writing the reviews. In order to precisely depict how the food tastes like and how it is cooked, Gold would go to the same restaurants several times, savor the dishes again and again, and listen to the stories telling by the restaurant owners. To him, food is not just food, but a connection between us and other cultures. Not only can we enjoy the exotic food in Los Angeles, but also learn the beauty of this diverse city.


When Gold’s food reviews were published, he also created opportunities for the restaurants. Even without asking the owners too many questions, he could still feel the passion of them and capture every moment in the restaurants. It was important for him to recommend mouthwatering dishes to his readers, but it was also his will to make these unique cultural restaurants well-known. Gold deeply believed that those who have devoted their time and energy to make good food deserve to be seen by everyone.


“But all of us, especially those of us in the arts, experience failure, and it is this experience of failure, that makes us strong, that helps us make who we are.” During the commencement celebration at UCLA, Gold encouraged students to be fearless in pursuing their goals since it is the obstacle that can strengthen themselves and lead them to success. Just like the journey of his life, he was a proofreader, a music critic, and an editor before being a food critic. Because of his efforts and the struggle he had experienced in his previous work, he found out his passion and had the capacity to develop it. He had become the gourmet that people look up to and his food reviews had led his readers to the world of delicacy. We will remember that he, Jonathan Gold, was a food critic, a cultural commentator, a modern life observer, and the one whose words had deepened our connection with Los Angeles.