MALIBU—The mandatory minimum wage in the city of Malibu increased on Sunday, July 1, 2018 to $13.25 for all companies within city limits. The wage increase applies to companies with 25 or more employees.
In March 2016, the Malibu City Council approved an incremental annual increase to the minimum wage. The first increase was implemented in July 2016 at the rate of $10.50 per hour. By 2020, minimum mage in Malibu will reach $15 per hour.
“Malibu is a compassionate, fair-minded community, and we understand that there are many people working in the city for whom any increase in their salary makes a difference in their well being,” he added, “At the same time, by phasing in the increase, we hope to give our local businesses the time to change,” said Mayor Rick Allen.
According to the city of Malibu’s website, the minimum wage increases are as follows:
-$13.25 starting July 1, 2018
-$14.25 starting July 1, 2019
-$15.00 starting July 1, 2020
While businesses with 25 employees or less are required to adhere to the minimum wage changes, they are provided an additional one-year delay to prepare for the incremental increases. Beginning on July 1, 2022, the city of Malibu’s minimum wage will be tied to the consumer price index (CPI).
According to the city of Malibu’s website, “Starting on July 1, 2022, Malibu’s minimum wage will also be tied to the consumer price index (CPI).”
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