MALIBU—On Monday, December 14, three Malibu City Councilmembers, Bruce Lee Silverstein, Steve Uhring and Paul Grisanti, were all sworn in during the city council meeting zoom call.
The councilmembers were newly elected during the Malibu General Municipal election held on November 3. Their four-year terms began when they were sworn in with councilmember Paul Grisanti elected as Mayor Pro-Tem.
“Even while our community and out country are struggling though the worst public health crisis in our lifetimes, our City maintains democracy and service to the community, so it is a great day when we can preside over this basic, important process of out City, as we welcome the new members of the Malibu City Council…We congratulate them, welcome them, and look forward to working together to face the many challenges before us and serve the community during these unprecedented times,” said Malibu Mayor Mikke Pierson.
According to a press release, Silverstein had his oath of office sworn by outgoing councilmember Jefferson Wagner. Steve Uhrin, who ends his term as Planning Commissioner, was sworn in by his wife, Marcia Uhring and Paul Grisanti, who ends his term as Public Works Commissioner, was sworn in by his wife, Sara.
During the live streamed zoom call, Silverstein stated “I ran for city council to represent the residents and press of Malibu responsive and responsible to the residents of Malibu.”
Uhring gave his to the members and residents responsible for his newly elected position. Grisanti thanked the residents for welcoming him to Malibu 42 years ago.
During the call, Christi Hogin, the Malibu City Attorney, retired from position after nearly 3 decades of service in the city. Assistant City Attorney Trevor Rusin will replace become her interim replacement, according to statement.
A few outgoing councilmembers were honored for their service and contributions, including Rick Mullen, Skylar Peak and Jefferson Wagner. Mullen served on the city council for one term from 2016 until 2020, Wagner served two terms from 2008 until November 2020, and Peak served from 2012 until November 2020.