Tag: black
Uncomfortable Talking About Race, Why?
UNITED STATES─This is a question that I’ve constantly had to ask myself time and time again: why is the topic of race something that...
Speak Easy: Racism And Immigration
UNITED STATES—Yesterday I told you how to fix AMERICA'S children, and today I’ll give my narrow perspective full of big dreams and ideologies for...
All Lives Matter
UNITED STATES—This week has been a whirlwind of all sorts, with the recent shootings that took place in Louisiana, than in Minnesota, but hearing...
Sniper Shoots And Kills Police Officers In Dallas
UNITED STATES—Five Dallas police officers were killed in Texas by a sniper who opened up fire during a peaceful protest on Thursday, July 7....
Programming Children For Success Or Failure!
UNITED STATES—The brain is a personal computer for the body that a parent PROGRAMS in the first 6 years of life.
A humans' self-schema is...
Speak Easy: Scapegoat Syndrome
UNITED STATES—I think a better name would have been: The Black Sheep Scapegoat ~ I Dub Thee LESSER THAN Syndrome!
Trevor Todd wrote about black...
Executive Accused Of Breaking Into Her Home Speaks Out
SANTA MONICA—Fay Wells, an African-American vice president of an undisclosed California company was arrested on September 6 after officers from the Santa Monica Police Department...
WeHo Resident Reports First Hate Crime Of 2015
WEST HOLLYWOOD—Walking to his home at 2 a.m. after celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Don Brooks was attacked in an alleged hate crime on...