Tag: College

Choose Passion Over Money!

UNITED STATES—Oh college, I remember those good ole days America, I remember being fresh out of high school, heading to a Big Ten university...

Losing The College Experience

UNITED STATES—It seems COVID-19 has claimed another casualty America: the college experience. I don’t know about many of you, but I know with certainty...

Upcoming Virtual College Preparation Seminar

SANTA MONICA—The City of Santa Monica has announced that a college preparation seminar called “Launch to College” will take place on Thursday, August 6. Teen...

Several Of UCLA’s Top Alumni To Be Honored

WESTWOOD—The Hall of Fame class of 2020 for University of California, Los Angeles, better known as UCLA, is set to be announced, and the...

Student-Inspired Bus Driver Graduates College With 4.0 GPA

FRAMINGHAM, MA—On June 26, MassBay Community College announced that Clayton Ward, a bus driver, had earned his college degree after the students whom he...

Peter Dameris Pleads Guilty In College Admission Scandal

PACIFIC PALISADES—The 54th parent charged in the college admission scandal will plead guilty to the use of bribery and fraud in order to secure...

College Graduates During Economic Mayhem

UNITED STATES─One would think this would be the best time of one’s life for those graduating from college. However, that momentous moment might be...

Missing Out On Life Milestones

UNITED STATES─This is indeed a frustrating time for many Americans. The notion of not being able to go out and live life to its...

Got A Degree, But No Job To Use It

UNITED STATES─I know I’m not the only person who initially encountered this dilemma after obtaining my undergraduate degree many years ago. You’ve paid all...

Student Athletes Getting Compensation

UNITED STATES—I have been a major advocate for this for years. The fact that Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California has passed legislation that...

Governor Signs Legislation For Student Athletes To Make Money

CALIFORNIA—Deriding the NCAA, on Monday, September 30, California Governor Newsom signed legislation that will go into effect in 2023 for the Fair Pay to...

High School Vs. College: Which Is Better?

UNITED STATES—It has been a debate people have discussed for years America, I mean literal years. Is high school or college some of the...

Making Money To Support Yourself In College

UNITED STATES—Many students have a really difficult time in terms of finances when they are studying at college or university full-time. For those living...

Graduate Gifting Dilemma

UNITED STATES—May and June, those are the two months that highlight milestones for most Americans: graduation season. You might have a youngster graduating from...

Jack Buckingham Apologizes For College Cheating Scandal

BEVERLY HILLS—Jack Buckingham, son of Beverly-Hills based CEO and author Jane Buckingham, apologized for being unknowingly involved in the nation-wide college cheating scandal that...

Boosting Your Grades While At University

UNITED STATES—When you start going to university, you generally have good intentions of achieving great grades and working toward the career of your dreams....

Fast Ways To Meet 2 Main Challenges At College

UNITED STATES—Some people may say, “Studying at college is the most exciting period of my life”. Why not? You are far from parents. You...

Alternative To College You Should Pay Attention To

Alternative to College that Can Change Your Life After finishing your high school, the most logical thing to do is to go to college. People...

Freshman Day Jitters

UNITED STATES—For so many people, the first day of school is fast-approaching and it can be nerve wrecking for so many. I want to...

School Supplies 101

UNITED STATES—It seemed like just a month ago, kids were just getting out of school, and with the snap of a finger, its already...
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