Tag: diet
Taking Care Of Your Health Matters
UNITED STATES—Your health mattes America and I am learning that more and more as I get older your body is indeed your temple. If...
The Diet Evolution
UNITED STATES—I probably should NOT be using the word diet, but for this column so be it. It actually has become a lifestyle change...
Pushing Yourself To Eat Healthy
UNITED STATES─There were both good and bad things that have come out of this pandemic. For starters, I have been doing much more cooking...
Diet Changes Are Not That Easy
UNITED STATES—I am trying my hardest to be healthy when it comes to eating. The thing about eating healthy is you’re told one thing...
Making A Major Lifestyle Change
UNITED STATES—In life, sometimes you have to take a moment and re-examine what is going on in your life. A lot of the time...
Health Regimen 101
UNITED STATES—A lot of us take our health for granted. We really don’t think about what we’re eating, why we’re eating it and rather...
Choosing To Eat Healthy
UNITED STATES—Eating healthy is not easy America. I try and I try, but we all have weaknesses and we do our best to battle...
Resisting Carbs Is A Major Battle!
UNITED STATES—With the New Year still in full swing, we’ve chatted about the importance of getting on a healthy track when it comes to...
Eating Right Is Hard At Times
UNITED STATES—I hate the word diet, but in the world we live in one has to be aware of what he or she puts...
Watching What You Eat
UNITED STATES—Well, we’re less than a few days away from the biggest cooking holiday in the year: Thanksgiving. Last week, we spent an abundance...
Diet Temptation Fiasco
UNITED STATES—Did you eat a bit too much during the Thanksgiving holiday? Trust me I know the feeling because I slightly pigged out during...
Happiness Is An Empty Fridge
UNITED STATES—I totally get it when a friend said after attending a big wedding back east, lots of family and drink, “I’m in detox...
Riot On The Southwest Chief (1)
UNITED STATES—Raveendran Patel looked forlornly at the Kansas plains emerging from the dawn mists at daybreak, behind the panoramic glass of the observation car....
FDA Aims To Cut Out Trans Fat
UNITED STATES—On Tuesday, June 16, the FDA ruled that trans fat is not "generally recognized as safe" for use in human food products. The...
Live And Let Diet
UNITED STATES—It’s often easier to go unrecognized as a diet guru. And what happened after my daughter’s 8th grade graduation, has left me with...
Just Say Yes
UNITED STATES—As a matter of courtesy and kindling goodwill in people who enjoy giving, I generally say yes to food gifts. It keeps the...
A Bit Of Shamelessness
UNITED STATES—Imagine this—you’re walking down the street unobserved. Then suddenly—click—a camera lowers from the gaze of a passer-by and you are suddenly aware that...
Help For The Holidaze (Part 2)
UNITED STATES—Here are seven more practices that will help you maintain your shape and contentment throughout the holidays.
Weigh rarely - Schedule your weigh-in for...
Prime Time (Part 2)
UNITED STATES— Jenny, who was minding the glutens, had been blissfully gluten free for more than a year. Her doctor had been treating her for...