UNITED STATES—Something happened this year that left me reeling yet again: my TV went out! This is the second time in less than 2 years that a brand new TV that I paid over $1000 for went out after the warranty was up. Why am I frustrated? Because it was a 50-inch smart television with 3D. I can’t get over the fact that almost every single TV now on the market has that smart technology incorporated into it; almost as if it’s something you must have.
Listen up and listen up good, I DO NOT WANT TO SCOUR THE INTERNET ON MY TV. Period, no exception to the rule! There is a reason they made computers separate from televisions. They might be compatible to some degree, but there are still kinks between the two that have not been fully worked out. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around people who want to utilize their computer to conduct work that should be done on a computer. This is the problem with technology, it’s always advancing and because of that it does impact old technology.
Both TV screens that I purchase were plasma and in 3D. I’ve heard rumors for years that plasma was not the wisest investment when it comes to TVs because they tend to burn out because of the gases in them. What frustrates me even more is that I barely watch TV during the week. If I’m lucky the TV in the basement would have gotten maybe 6-10 hours of watch Monday-Friday. Two of those five days the TV wouldn’t even get turned on. I might get another 5-8 hours between Saturday and Sunday. So what gives? How can a television that barely gets watched burn out so quickly?
I’ll tell you the manufacturers were well aware that the plasma, smart 3D TVs were problematic, but instead of informing consumers of the problem, they continued to market and sell the TVs until they phased out. In other words, they were receiving numerous complaints from consumers about a new TV burning out way sooner than it should have. To make matters worse, I have a TV in my home that is probably watched 8-10 hours a day and is more than 8 years old and it operates fine.
The bigger issue I have is the retailers who are so prone and quick to sell the consumer a warranty and well knowing that these TVs are problematic don’t even notify the consumer that a 2-year warranty is not long enough; a 5-year warranty is a better option. I mean my previous TV literally broke about a WEEK after my warranty expired and the retailer would not even budge at offering me anything on the $1000 plus television that was purchased. So I vowed to never purchase a TV from them again, and guess what I haven’t and I have no desire to do so.
Now the TV that just went out is covered by a 4-year warranty (whew), I was livid when I suspected I was going to have to purchase ANOTHER TV in less than 2 years after the initial purchase. What I hate about these so called ‘warranties’ that are purchased is that the retailer does EVERYTHING in their power to fix the product instead of just giving you a new TV. I mean I was almost certain I was told that if ANYTHING happens to the TV, I just come in and get another TV no questions asked. Hmm, so why am I being told that a technician is going to come out to attempt to fix the problem. FYI, the TV is dead, you can’t really fix it, so you can fix temporarily, but I’ll go back out and you guys will have to come out again and again to fix the problem. Save yourself the trouble; I purchased a warranty, just give me a new TV so that we can save both of ourselves unnecessary time and a headache.
To make matters worse, I’ve gone nearly a week with equipment that I can barely use. I have a 3D receiver, 3D glasses and a ton of 3D movies that I wasn’t even able to utilize during the limited time I had off last week. I even ventured into the stores to see what TVs are on sale. Guess what? Not many 3D televisions exist nowadays than what they did 3-4 years ago. Those that do exists have a price range of anywhere from $1500 to $7000. Yeah, the days of me spending over $500 for a TV are long gone, especially after the latest TV issues.
To make a long story short, do your research before making a massive purchase for a TV. Don’t listen to what those employees in the stores tell you; don’t trust everything that those electronics magazines tell you. Trust your instinct and trust it to the core. If you have the slightest hint of uncertainty that is a sign to think a bit more before making a purchase that can cause a major headache no American wants to deal with.