SOUTH BRONX, NEW YORK—On Thursday, May 23, at approximately 3:00 p.m. They were lining the streets leading up to Cratona Park to hear former President Trump speak at 6:00 p.m. Each person who attended had to go through security before gaining entry into the event. 

This rally’s music came from some of the many rappers that came out in support of Trump including, Sleepy Hallow, Forgiato Blow, and Sheff G., who publicly endorsed Trump from the stage ahead of the former President’s speech.

Multiple news outlets caught video footage of the hats and attire worn to the “Make America Great Again, “MAGA,” rally including a green MAGA hat, and many tattoos.  One guy had the name Trump in what appeared to be a removable tattoo on his throat.  Another showed off an etching of Trump’s face on his thigh.

There has not been a Republican Presidential candidate to campaign in the Bronx since August 5, 1980.  That candidate was Ronald Reagan. He was the last Republican to win the state of New York. 

A Large banner stretched across a fence at Cratona Park that read, “South Bronx for Trump.”

The Trump campaign is attempting to flip the dark blue state of New York from the Democrat party back to the Republican party.  

Trump kept to the key issues that he endorsed at each of his rallies.  He spoke on foreign policy, and violence and drugs in cities like the Bronx.  He spoke on immigration, and some of the dangerous criminals coming over the border, the danger, and harm that some immigrants endured traveling in, “Snake infested waters.”  He dared to talk about the multitude of women that were being raped.

Trump made campaign promises to a crowd of thousands of people. 

“We will be the largest criminal deportation system in the country,”  to a cheering, very diverse crowd.

“We will make New York Great Again and simultaneously Make America Great Again.”  The crowd went wild shouting, “USA, USA, USA.” “If  a New Yorker can’t fix this country, no one can,” Trump said as the crowd then chanted, “Trump, Trump, Trump.”

David Harris Jr., host of The Pulse interviewed New York conservative activist, Gavin Wax who along with approximately 70 volunteers set up for the Trump Rally at the park.

“There were thousands upon thousands of people lining the streets of the South Bronx,” and speaking of Trump, Wax continued, “Going places no other Republican has gone before.”

In response to Harris’s question about the kind of crowd Trump drew, Wax replied that it was  A, “True New York crowd from all walks of life.” There were billboards in both English and Spanish. “There was a sea of Maga hats,” Wax stated,  

Harris asked about anything negative happening at the rally.  Wax relayed that Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and some of the other Democrats were reportedly, “praying for rain,” and “trying to get the subways shutdown,” ahead of the rally, Wax and Harris laughed.

about the protesters, Wax indicated that the counter-protesters that showed up at the rally were a small group “gathered around a rock.”

Lastly, Wax told of the local Republicans helping people get registered to vote.  Wax relayed to Harris that many people at the rally were changing their party affiliation from Democrat to Republican or from Democrat to Independent.

Trump has the endorsement of several New York State Representatives including, but not limited to, Stefanik, Malliotakis, Lalota, Laneworthy, Tenney, Williams, Desposito, and  Ruben Dias, who is a Pastor at Christian Community Church, is a former Senator who sits on the board for Democrats for Life and is a Bronx City councilmember. 

He also has the endorsement of many of his peers including many of whom were running their Presidential campaigns in 2016, 2020, and this 2024 election.