BEVERLY HILLS—My name is “Hazel”, and I thought that I’d show off my whole body, instead of just a head shot, so that you could see how I look head to toe! You see, I’m thought to be a mix of a Chihuahua and a Dachshund, which makes a pretty cute combination, wouldn’t you say? Check out my big eyes and perky ears and long sleek body!
I’m another one that was abandoned. I don’t know why, as I’m a young gentle little girl that gets along with everyone. That means, dogs and cats and children, too. I’m even housebroken, and I’m not aggressive in any way. In fact, I’m a little timid until I get to know you – but there’s nothing wrong with that, is there?
There isn’t much more that I can tell you about myself, so, won’t you please call for an appointment to meet me? I’ll be waiting!
Some quotes that I thought you would enjoy: “A dog is like an eternal Peter Pan, a child who never grows old and who therefore is always available to love and be loved.” – Aaron Katcher; “A dog will show his love by jumping on you at the front door. A cat will show his love by ignoring you, and then curling up next to you when you need it most.” – Danielle Asson; “Not Carnegie, Vanderbilt and Astor together could have raised enough to buy a quarter share in my little dog.” – Ernest Thompson Seton; “It’s too dangerous to risk a cat’s life.” (Charles Lindberg, explaining why his kitten, Patsy, didn’t accompany him on his legendary transatlantic flight)
I hope that you will call to see sweet little “Hazel”. By the way, we have another Chihuahua/Doxie mix by the name of “Paco”. He is one year old and pure white. What a pair they would make!! Take a look at him, and all of the other wonderful dogs and cats that are waiting for homes, by checking our website, which is:, then call for an appointment to meet them, ok?
FRIENDS OF ANIMALS 310-479-5089begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 310-479-5089 end_of_the_skype_highlighting