UNITED STATES—It is hard to fathom that another year has come and gone. Yes, 2023 has been one of those years with plenty of scandals amidst many things. However, that is the great thing about the New Year being upon us, it is an opportunity for change, new goals to be reached and getting rid of bad habits and starting new habits. I used to think setting resolutions was a good thing until I realized, the moment you make a resolution, how many people actually stick to that resolution, it just doesn’t happen.

So, for 2024, no resolutions are being made, but changes are indeed in the future. For starters, I have determined, I have no time for negativity. I just don’t want it in my space or orbit. If people are planning to bring that in my direction, I’m just going to ignore it. It is not about trying to be positive, it has more about not allowing others to drain the positivity that I have in my life being diminished by others. There are those people out there who are just toxic; they feel bad, so they want you to feel bad and they emit that energy out to you.

I’m not a big energy person. I don’t believe in the mantra that if you think all good things all good things will come your way. I don’t believe it, so sue me. Bad things happen to good people all the time, so are you saying a person with good energy wanted something bad to happen to them? Yeah, I don’t, so it makes no sense, but I do believe putting yourself in the orbit of similar people so you can feed off their energy is a good thing.

Which brings me to my next point, the word NO. I have trouble telling people that and as a result it puts me in a bad spot. I have my plate full to the top or the brim and as a result it leaves me a bit stressed, anxious and burnt to the core. You shouldn’t feel guilty telling individuals no, sometimes it is a word that needs to be used a bit more in the vernacular and without hesitation.

If someone asks you to do something, don’t feel obligated to do it. It is okay to put yourself first, even if that means some others have to endure on their own. I feel I sometimes refuse to say the word ‘NO’ because I don’t want to disappoint people, but I’ve come to realize with age and maturity that it is not my responsibility to constantly focus on the feelings of others.

On top of that, I want to challenge myself more in 2024. I want to take more risks and be ready to give it my all no matter what the outcome might be. You know what they say go big or go home, I want to actually put that saying to good use. Time is of the essence and I’m not getting any younger, so I want to make the best of my life while I’m still here. Tomorrow is not promised and I feel like I am discovering that more and more each day as people I’m close to are venturing off on their own career paths or trajectories that you never expected them to take.

In addition, death is becoming more and more potent with each day. When you attend a funeral, you are reminded how precious life is every moment should be fulfilled to its dying breath. I had quite a few health issues from late 2022 that spilled into 2023 that totally gave me a new perspective on my health. I never thought I would be forced to take medication to deal with an irregular heartbeat that could lead to potential cardiac arrest, but after a series of unflinching tests and repeated visits to the doctor, it was nice to get a diagnosis and know exactly what I’m dealing with.

I can better navigate my health better so that I’m on the right path, which means changing food habits, the goal in 2024 is to give up bread completely, try to limit sugar content and limit the fast-food intake as well. By making adjustments to my food intake I can improve my overall health in general and do a bit more when it comes to exercise to place my body and spirit in the best possible place ever.

I want 2024 to be my best year ever, and in order to do that, I have to live life as if I’ve never lived life before. No regrets, no apologies, no qualms, just living life as if there is no tomorrow.

Written By Davy Jones