UNITED STATES—As many already know, I’m not a fan of the Affordable Health Care Act for reasons that some may or may not agree with.  I think the concept of supplying all Americans with suitable health care coverage is phenomenal, but to tax someone for not having health insurance is a problem in my eyes.  I don’t think there is a person in the world who DOES NOT want to have health insurance.  We all get sick and sometimes unexpectedly, so imagine the alleviated pressure when we realize we have coverage for those unexpected medical emergencies.

The issue with this new system is there are so many glitches and problems that Americans who may be interested in signing up are becoming weary. To hear day-in and day-out of all the problems people are encountering with the website would make any person change their mind without so much as a second thought.

The Obamacare system has a list of qualifications that all insurance plans are intended to follow; if your insurance plan does not meet that criteria there could be problems. To hear the constant buzz about Obamacare requesting maternity care coverage didn’t alarm me too much, but there was one problem, those of all ages young or old are expected to have this coverage. Really? A four-year old needs to have maternity care coverage; I can’t wrap my head around that.  There seems to be so many hiccups to a system that is expected to have all individuals seeking coverage before the beginning of 2014.

There happens to be one problem: these glitches have yet to be fixed.  Guess what, I don’t see them being fixed before the end of the year.  More planning should have gone into the Affordable Health Care Act to ensure these issues weren’t creating headaches for Americans.  For starters, registration takes place online.  Not all Americans are savvy to using the Internet. Some actually dread it.  There have been reports that the system is up on some days, down on others.  This could frustrate anyone attempting to register with the online market.

We’ve already talked about various stages of the Affordable Health Care Act. You will be covered by all levels, but some levels have added incentives compared to others. Of course, one would like to have the best of the best, but in today’s economy, Americans are forced to make every dollar stretch. The person in charge of the system is Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, who was recently grilled by Congress about the issues with the system. In my opinion, a bright spot was the fact that she took responsibility for the inaccuracies in the system and informed Americans that they are actively working to fix the kinks in the system.

The one problem that has alarmed me is President Barack Obama apologizing to Americans for all the promises made regarding the Affordable Health Care Act that may have been a bit misleading; it raises questions of a politician making promises that he or she is unable to deliver to the people who voted for them. It never resonates well for the near future, especially political parties, where this nation is divided.

This fiasco with Obamacare provides ample ammunition for Republicans to use this information to their advantage for the upcoming 2016 presidential election where no clear frontrunners have taken the stage. ; granted that will change come the start of 2014. The government is expected to release numbers for those Americans who have signed up for the Affordable Health Care Act in the coming week, and they aren’t that impressive; buzz has it that some states only have double digits for people who actually signed up.

This will allow the administration to see how popular the system is, but more importantly why the kinks have to be fixed now, not later, especially if the goal is to have all Americans insured.