MALIBU—On Friday, March 22, well-known actor and comedian, Will Smith received a ticket for speeding on the Pacific Coast Highway. Police ticketed Smith for driving 63 miles per hour driving close to 20 mph over the speed limit.
The following information came directly from the California General Code:
“Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) (State Route 1) is a four-lane state highway traversing the city from east to west along the Pacific Coast. The right-of-way includes an intermittent center turning lane. Within the city, PCH is about 25 miles long with a posted speed limit between 45 and 55 miles per hour.
The famous actor did not get away with a warning. PCH is listed as one of the nation’s most scenic highways. The number of fatal accidents on this stretch of highway has resulted in a heavier police presence and many more tickets.
Police first told TMZ that, “No one gets a break for putting the pedal to the metal on such a super dangerous stretch of highway.
Reports indicate there have been as many as 58 fatal accidents on the Pacific Coast Highway in the last 14 years.
Multiple news outlets have reported the speeding ticket as “part of Will Smiths ongoing legal trouble.” One aforementioned article cited Will Smith slapping Chris Rock. That was almost exactly two years ago, at the Oscars. Reports indicate that Smith was banned from the Oscars for 10 years. There hasn’t been any reported criminal activity since that time.
On March 26, Smith released the trailer for his latest film, “Bad Boys Ride or Die.” The action-packed comedy – cop adventure will be released in theaters on June 7. The film was directed by Adil and Bilall and was written by Chris Brenner. The trailer may be found on Will Smith’s Facebook page.