UNITED STATES—I think a lot of people and I mean a lot of people learned something crucial last week; be careful not to judge without knowing all the facts because you might place your foot in your mouth. If you’re wondering what I’m referring to, I’m talking about the entire world learning the truth about Kate Middleton. Yes, there was all this speculation about what was going on with Princess Kate who underwent abdominal surgery in previous weeks that caused massive speculation after not appearing in the public eyes for weeks, a photo edit mishap and tons of speculation from the press that only made the situation worse in my opinion.

Well, all those people who speculated now have egg on their face because man, were they so wrong. Princess Kate is battling cancer and to me it is another sign that individuals should NOT be so intrusive into trying to learn the truth about what is going on with others. Social media makes this so much worse because people are not given grace and sometimes the privacy they deserve.

A prime example of a similar situation like Princess Kate involved late actor Chadwick Boseman, who everyone joked and claimed something about the actor after an image of him surface online looking incredibly thin. What the world didn’t know was that Chadwick was battling colon cancer, a battle he ultimately lost. It is almost like once the truth comes out, everyone wants to backtrack on all the jokes and social commentary they’ve divulged behind a computer screen or their home.

How about we place ourselves in the shoes of others before we try to make a judgement? I totally believe people were so wrong in their speculation as it pertains to what the Royals and Kate (in particular) was battling. This woman has cancer, and I still hear people saying, “Well she has not disclosed what type.” That is her business. If she is not ready or she doesn’t want to disclose that, guess what, she has the right to do so.

We have this petulant attitude about social media that invites us to everyone’s business and this desire to know all those details. That is the danger of social media, we open people to our lives and to be judged, but I don’t think Kate posted anything on social media. It just happened to be announced she was having abdominal surgery and the conspiracy theories started to arise, William is having an affair, she’s not really sick, she has disappeared, there is a scandal involving the Royal Family, the list can go on and on.

Hell, even TMZ had a special about ‘Where’s Kate Middleton’ only a day later to have their foot in their mouth as it was apparent they were doing damage control after Kate posted that video about her diagnosis. Sometimes it is fun to see people with egg on their face; especially when they think they know the truth. Oh, were you so wrong and so were so many others. Kate’s cancer diagnosis is HER BUSINESS. IT IS HER FAMILY’S BUSINESS; it is NOT THE WORLD’S BUSINESS. We need to stop wanting to know everything. Focus on your family and your stressors or issues in life, not everyone else. Can you imagine how you would react and behave if you received a cancer diagnosis?

Hmm, I don’t think you’re going to immediately go to social media and post to the world everything that is going on with you. Hell, I remember when I was having some tests run on my heart and the nerves, stress and chaos that situation was. From a normal checkup turning into an EGK test, then a series of tests, then being recommended to see a cardiologist, waiting for the visit with the cardiologist, learning issues with the heart, having a series of tests, an echocardiogram and then learning your suffer from a condition where you unfortunately have a very fast heart rate as a result of Tachycardia.

That was my business and my choice whether to share or not, and I feel this thought that public figures owe us the truth and the entire truth is something I’m sick of hearing. Mind your business and let others live their lives. So to all those people joking and making laughs about the Princess Kate Middleton situation, take a look in the mirror and ask yourself how you would react if you received such devastating news. Would you want the world to know all the details even before you have processed them and explained them to your children? Hmm, I think not.