UNITED STATES—Decades old video footage of 2020 Presidential nominee Joe Biden speaking out during the civil rights era resurfaced. Biden has reportedly been under backlash for his work with known segregationists at the time.

In the 1970s, during the desegregation of schools and court-ordered busing brought a bill opposing anti-busing legislation by former Senator Biden of Vermont. He claims time of working in the civil rights movement of desegregation of movie theaters.

Governor Eugene Talmadge

Biden came under fire receiving a sizable amount of backlash after comments he made about missing the old days of working in desegregation alongside two segregationist Senators Hermit Talmage and James Eastland.

James O. Eastland (D-MS) has been called the “Voice of the White South” and the “Godfather of Mississippi Politics.”

Democrat Georgia Governor Eugene Talmadge (1941-1943) was elected as governor for another term, but died before ever taking office. His son Herman Talmadge succeeded him.

Historical records indicate that the younger Talmadge was like his father in that he did not want to integrate the state, and fought the integration of schools and public places. He did help with public education by establishing a 9-month school year.

In the footage, Biden repeatedly made comments such as if Haiti descended into the ocean, it wouldn’t matter much.

Dr. Ben Carson said in an interview that he was surprised that Biden reached out to known segregationists.

In a separate interview, New Jersey Junior Senator Cory Booker relayed that Biden should know better than to use, “the term boy,” the way he did during public speaking.

Biden at age of 30 made a speech regarding the “repugnant South Africans” and quotes another person saying the “N” word.


Biden slammed Barack Obama prior to their time in office together. Obama spoke on behalf of Biden stating, “you have to know his [Biden’s] heart.”