HOLLYWOOD—I’m still checking my heart-rate because Thursday’s Double Eviction episode of “Big Brother 16” literally had me on the edge of my seat. I’m always one to root for the underdog, and now more than ever knowing that it’s literally Nicole and Donny against the rest of the house. First, after nearly a week of strategizing to get out obnoxious Zach, the Detonators decided to change the tide of the house and save the tormentor and send Jocasta packing.


Was it a blindside not really because everyone knew what was transpiring. What is with Derrick continuing to talk to the audience? Note to Derrick: please stop, you’re not as loved by America as you think you are. And after this week I think it’s safe to say that Team America is done. Donny will no way in the world stick his neck out for Frankie and Derrick after the blindside they just pulled. They can forget any extra income because Donny is no dummy; the idiots just exposed their game, not even knowing it.


Back to Jocasta getting the boot, no big loss, but host Julie Chen dropped a bombshell revealing that it’s likely that a member of the jury of nine is getting a second opportunity to get back into the house. I’ll just point this out, (America is likely to decide who) which means either a fan favorite will return to shake up the house.  In a tense Head of Household competition, Caleb, yep, Caleb won HOH and drew a line in the sand nominating Hayden and Donny. No!!!!!! At the Power of Veto competition, it looked like Zach was going to grab all the power, but not so fast, because team Donny proved to be a beast in the POV comp once again, saving himself from eviction.  


As a replacement nominee, Caleb continued to make smart-ass comments not realizing that he can’t compete in the next HOH, so you’re vulnerable. As a replacement nominee Caleb placed Nicole next to her showmance. The house then voted to take out a huge target by evicting Hayden, knowing the possibility that he could return to the game, wanting vengeance.


Both Nicole and Hayden threw Frankie and Christine under the bus meaning; they are definitely targets in the house, but I suspected Donny and Nicole (fingers crossed) win HOH and put up Derrick, Cody, Frankie, Zach, Caleb and Christine. Any combination of those six would be perfect in my opinion. A detonator has to go because this game is getting boring with the power staying with this group of spineless, backstabbers.  


So Hayden and Jocasta are now members of the jury, but Julie continued to point out that they could be returning, which leads me to suspect after two more evictions, the four jury members will battle to renter the game or America will make the vote. As Hayden left the house, he realized it was Derrick and Cody that flipped, so finally someone grabs a clue! Nicole let out her inner beast and started to call out Christine and Frankie for their duplicity.


Why in the hell are none of the houseguests able to see Derrick’s betrayal. He’s playing a smart game, but I’m starting to think the houseguests are brain dead. In any other season, everyone would have picked up on this at this point and Derrick would be at the top of the radar list. Nicole was forced to share her HOH with Christine, her new nemesis/friend. The two could have done a clean slate, but the trust is still wavering between the two. Once again Donny is nominated along with Zach, Caleb and Frankie. Caleb decided to throw Battle of the Block, so Frankie worked by himself and won!


There was an epic blowout between Frankie and Zach, which later was patched up, it’s like the Detonators/Bomb Squad talk crap about each other and then reunite, leaving Victoria, Nicole and Donny on the outskirts. Frankie decided to acknowledge that his sister is pop singer Ariana Grande! Yep, the house perceived the news with mixed results. Dumb move on his part, it places a bigger target on him that he is not aware of.


What Frankie and the Bomb Squad fail to realize is all those lies will come back to them as numbers dwindle, but they are essentially putting the people in jury who will determine the winner (Jocasta, Hayden, Nicole, Victoria and Donny). Those five would determine the winner and they will compare notes while in jury. With someone possibly returning, all the dirt will be laid on the table, and I’m starting to have an inkling that perhaps TWO houseguests from jury might return to the game because we will have a second double eviction before the season wraps and that would literally make this the most twisted season ever.