UNITED STATES—Have you been to the grocery store lately? The prices are bad and inflation is just driving me insane right now. I mean a carton of eggs $4 to $5. Milk $4 to $5 a gallon! What the hell is going on people? Food is costly and we all know that now more than ever, but that does not mean there is a way to save money and navigate around the supermarket when you have limited funds at your fingertips.
For starters, you should never head to the grocery store without taking a look at the flyer or sales ad for the week. You should be willing to pinpoint who has WHAT on sale and WHAT that price is people. If you can save a few bucks on bread, milk and butter why would you NOT do it? I mean the money you save you can utilize to purchase more products. Now, I know what you are going to say: do I really want to drive around to 2 to 3 stores to save a few bucks with gas prices being as high as they are, but it is indeed an opportunity to save money people.
It works to your benefit if where you shop is in close proximity to other stores that also have deals in place people. Walmart, Target, Ralph’s, Sam’s Club, Costco, your local farmer’s market or wherever you do your weekly, bi-weekly or monthly shopping trips America. So that brings us to the question of purchasing items in bulk at your warehouse clubs. What does that mean? If you can get a lot for spending not as much and it can stretch the budget and last longer in the household or home that is vital to curbing costs for you people.
Club warehouses are great for certain items like household essentials in terms of cleaning supplies and some pantry items, but at the same time you don’t always want to purchase food in bulk if you know you will NOT fully consume it and forced to throw food that has spoiled away. Also be on the lookout for those coupons when the club warehouses have them available. It doesn’t happen all the time, but when it does you want to scoop up those deals when possible people.
Coupons they still exist America, the difference now is things are more digital. So if you have a phone, which I think most Americans actually do, you can download and utilize those digital coupons to save even more money on your purchases. I mean if you’re ready to checkout and your total is $60, but after your digital coupons are tallied and your total drops to $40, $20 bucks has been saved people and that’s great. That money can be used for your gas tank; it can be used for some other weekly or monthly expense in your household people.
The more you save at the supermarket, especially in today’s climate it allows you to do more things that might be pertinent to your daily or a possible treat for yourself. Trust me money is so tight for Americans that anyway they can penny pinch just a little bit they are willing to do so people. Don’t be afraid to save money, saving money is smart people because it allows you to have more money in your pocket and bank account in the long run.
Look NOT everyone will appreciate your tactics when it comes to how and why you spend your money, but something I live by is a list. People compose a grocery list of the items that you need before you head to the store otherwise you will just be picking up items you don’t want, you don’t need and you will not even consume. Be aware people that making a list is great, but realizing the price of each item you’re purchasing as well if you can helps you know exactly what you’re going to spend, what your budget is and what you have left over as well.
Written By Zoe Mitchell