HOLLYWOOD—Last week Tyler Perry dropped a bomb on fans of his hit series “The Haves and the Have Nots” with the demise of Warlock in bloody fashion. This week’s episode, ‘Kate’ picked up where that aftermath ended with Erica in the crosshairs of Mama Rose, who allowed her to escape. Mama Rose was pleased that her grandson crossed over to the dark side. Mitch was stunned to learn that Mama Rose knows Candace.
Candace shared all the details on how his grandma kidnapped her for Jim Cryer. I have a feeling that the writers are building a relationship between Mitch and Candace, but we shall see. Hanna picked up Benny from the police station, where the two had a conversation about Candace learning about her son’s death. It was apparent that Candace’s words struck a chord with Hanna, as Benny did his best to assure his mother that Quincy Jr.’s death is not her fault.
Hanna is indeed shook; she has lost her faith in God and refused to help Benny while he prayed for God to help them get through an unspeakable tragedy. David stopped by Erica’s room and was worried to see her in a frazzled state of mind. He was furious thinking that Veronica attacked his new bedfellow. Well, this is an interesting development to see Erica weave another scandalous secret to cover her tracks. She asked for money, and put on the waterworks in such a way that David was so whipped it left me laughing.
I was wondering where the rest of the drama this season would unfold, now we all know: VERONICA HARRINGTON! Back at Veronica’s abode, Doris and Melissa seemed unnerved to be in Veronica’s presence. Doris seemed disgusted to ask Veronica for help, just as Melissa seemed solemn to be stuck in hell. How in the hell can this woman be so cold in a person’s time of need and then joke about it with such malice. She literally left the bloody bed in place for Melissa to clean it. Oh, that woman’s day of reckoning better be coming soon.
Charles stopped by Candace’s room to pay her a visit and to check in on her. He informed Candace that she is the woman who should be standing beside him in his bid for the presidency. It was indeed a heartfelt moment between Candace and Charles; it almost felt like a goodbye. Hanna and Benny arrived back at Katheryn’s place, where the conversation became tense when arrangements to plan little Quincy’s funeral became more of a reality.
Hanna once again preached that she did not want Katheryn’s pity or charity. No matter what, Hanna just refuses to accept there are some people out there who want to help her. Wow, it was an interesting conversation for both Katheryn and Hanna to discuss race. Yes, Katheryn sharing her emotions with Hanna is starting to strike a chord and it was long overdue. That was such a touching scene and moment; plenty of truth was revealed and it was an eye-opener people.
Benny and Candace finally had a conversation about Quincy Jr., but per usual she refused to allow her emotions to surface. Things became tense when Jim unexpectedly arrived at Katheryn’s secret hideout. The matriarch was furious with Jim, and he seemed ambivalent to the fact that she has put her marriage in the grave. Jim tried to reason with his wife, but she didn’t want to hear a thing he had to say. He declared his love for his wife, as Jim did his best to seduce her, but she ultimately gave into temptation.
Next week is the penultimate episode people, and it looks like Veronica’s day could be coming, and it might be David who proves to her downfall. Until next ‘Temptation Tuesday,’ “Haves and Have Nots” die-hards!