HOLLYWOOD—A confrontation between a street vendor and a couple walking their dog resulted in an overturned food cart on a Hollywood sidewalk on July 17, according to reports. A video of the incident, recorded by the vendor, Benjamin Ramirez, has received more than 1 million views on social media since its release on Monday, July 24.
The incident reportedly occurred near Romaine Street and El Centro Avenue in Hollywood, when a passerby demanded in Spanish that Ramirez move his cart. According to the video, the man warned Ramirez that he would move the cart himself if the vendor refused to. Ramirez repeatedly told the man he had room to pass.
The assailant handed his dog’s leash to his companion, approached Ramirez holding what appeared to be a stun gun, and flipped his food cart, spilling its contents into the street. Ramirez then tossed chili powder into the man’s face, after which the woman warned him not to approach.
“I was afraid he was going to hit me with something because he came at me with something, so I grabbed my bottle of chili,” Ramirez said, according to reports. “I meant to throw it in his face but it landed on his chin.”
Ramirez, 24, indicated the assailant had previously confronted him and told him he couldn’t sell at that location. He initially reported the incident as a battery, but officers classified the case as vandalism. The Los Angeles Police Department have not officially released the name of the suspect in the case which is still under investigation.