UNITED STATES—Mother Nature can indeed be downright cruel and dangerous at times America. The biggest talk of town for most people this weekend was the absolute devastation, and I mean utter devastation in regions of the state of Texas. The biggest concern for many was the massive amounts of rainfall that has literally flooded towns, forced people out of towns and led to more rescues than one could imagine.
When we have such a devastating incident such as Hurricane Harvey, it is indeed a mission of those of us with the capabilities and resources available to help others to put a foot forward to assist. Don’t talk about what you’d like to do, see what it is you can do. I understand there are plenty of us who can’t actually travel to the region, but putting together care packages of basic essentials can make a big difference. I mean things like toiletries, water and clothing can be a major assist to those who lost everything because of massive flooding.
I’m already rolling my eyes with the thoughts of news that gas prices are expected to raise because of the massive flooding impacting oil refineries, not to mention a local Best Buy store in the Texas region pricing gouging residents on the price of bottled water. I swear any freaking excuse a company can utilize to make a profit at the expense of others is just shameful. The oil companies just irk my skin sometimes with their actions. Apologies for the digression, but my biggest concern is assuring people understand how important it is to seek shelter with rain set to pound the state of Texas the next 5-7 days.
Yes, the region is expecting over 50 plus inches of rain in the coming week and that not only leaves cities in a catastrophic state, but it shuts it down. You cannot travel via car, train and getting a plane in proximity to the region is no easy task. I always say when you stumble upon a massive horde of water, always be weary of how deep the water is.
What might look like a few inches or just a puddle of water could be several feet deep. Not only could one’s vehicle be submerged, the passengers in that vehicle can be at risk and if you have flowing water, it heightens the severity of the situation that much more. President Trump is slated to explore the hardest hit regions of Texas in the coming days. I think this is so vital, don’t talk about steps being taken to assist and help those in need, actually survey the damage and discuss ways that more aid can be given to those in desperate need.
Hurricane Harvey has since been downgraded to a tropical storm, but a massive majority of the damage has been done America. I mean I know everyone witnessed that just heartbreaking photo of several elderly individuals sitting in waste water nearly up till their waste in a retirement home. It was saddening to watch those individuals just sit in that water, seemingly somewhat content, but knowing they were in such danger.
Thankfully, those elderly residents were rescued from those rising waters and danger. These are the things that matter; we have to ensure those who are NOT capable of keeping themselves safe have those out their fighting to ensure their safety is in play. Some might not want to abandon their homes; it’s all they have and the thought of losing that can be utterly devastating for some. At the same time, being in a home full of waste presents tons of health issues that can only get worse as time progresses.
Hurricane Harvey might be causing massive structural damage throughout the states of Louisiana and Texas, but we can always rebuild. It might not transpire overnight, but it till indeed happen. Stay strong America because in times of need its where we see what people are truly made of and people willingness to give because not only is it the right thing to do, but because they want to do it.