HOLLYWOOD—I did not expect to write a summary this week on the ABC soap “General Hospital,” but things have been so interesting lately I couldn’t help myself. I must say I was stunned to see the big reveal of Sam shooting Sonny fizzling like a major afterthought, but when one story ends another takes action front-and-center.
Sam has been worried sick for weeks that her husband would face a tragic fate, well, that moment of the hour transpired this week, when a gunfight left Jason shot in the chest. Let’s talk about that for a moment; I was surprised at the level of blood and actual violence ABC displayed on the TV waves showcasing Jason’s injury. It was a bit much as some would say for daytime television, but I’ve seen far worst things on TV. Sonny and Jason’s meeting with the five families looked to be cordial, but Petro had other plans.
To hear Sonny actually vocalize his interest to leave the mob was a first, but this is a man no matter how hard he tries he can never leave the mob alone. Jason and Sonny had everything handled with Petro and his goons until Sam (per usual) bust into the scene causing a distraction that led to both Jason and Sonny being thrown off their game and facing a fate they never expected.
In the midst of bloodshed, Sam and Sonny worked furiously to keep Jason alive in the midst of his wound to the chest. Will Jason survive? Of course, but in what condition is yet to be determined America. While Jason fights for his life, the other big rumble in PC is the sentencing of Julian Jerome for all his crimes. That’s right people, the evil crime lord was sentenced to 20 years behind bars and shown his new home for what is likely to be the rest of his life. So I’m guessing its official, William deVry is out at “GH,” at least for the time being. The news shattered Alexis who hoped to reunite with her baby daddy.
It’s now clear Ava Jerome is all alone; she is the lone Jerome considering that Olivia is in a mental ward and Julian has been carted to prison. While her family might be away, Ava still has the perks of a blossoming romance with Dr. Griffin Munro. Yes, Ava has fantasized with the doctor, but seeing him actually flirt with her and make a few moves makes things even spicier. So how soon before that first kiss? I’d argue that we could see things transpire sometime in September. Just as one relationship flourishes, it looks like another could be on the verge of crashing and burning; as it appears Bobbie and Felicia are determined to get the dirt on Nelle for Carly.
Carly still hasn’t let go of her grudge with Nelle, even though her son Michael looks to be in love yet again after having so many relationships end tragically. I mean things haven’t always ended well for Michael, so it would be nice to see Michael be happy for once. However, with the news that Felicia has dug up, Nelle might have even more skeletons in her closet than viewers expected. I mean if the writers are planning to use this Nelle has secrets storyline it better be much juicer than the bombshell that was revealed months ago in her mission to take down Carly.
At long last, Maxie is back in PC and looks like she has missed quite a bit since her absence. Why? Well Nathan, hasn’t had much going on, but that all changed with Amy seeking his help for her column ‘Man Landers.’ At first Nathan was livid to learn Amy was using him, but warmed up to Amy plan as it helped her brother. Too bad Maxie is out of the loop on the scheme, because she suspected her hubby is having an affair on her with Amy. That resulted in two slaps this week courtesy of Maxie: one to Nathan and the other to Amy.
Jason shot, Carly giving up a grudge, Nelle has more secrets, Ava finding a mate, things are getting interested in “General Hospital” people!