SANTA MONICA—On Monday, June 15, Santa Monica has announced plans to reopen schools in fall 2020 as restrictions for COVID-19 started to ease. The Malibu Unified School District officials are working on contingency plans for the upcoming academic year and expect to have more information by July.

The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District is scheduled to re-open in August 20 for students. The school officials are still in the process of deciding if classes will be held in-person, remotely or a mix of both.

The school district staff will discuss this issue further with the PTA council, the District English Learned Advisory Committee and the Local Control Accountability Plan Parent Advisory Committee, analyzing the results of the staff and parent survey to reopen schools in accordance with the official health guidelines.

A comprehensive survey report from the Hanover Research will be posted online in the next few weeks.

A picture from the Santa Monica-Malibu School District (Courtesy of Facebook)

Schools in Santa Monica have been considering different options for the course format in the next academic year of 2020-2021. The schools have been waiting for Los Angeles County to go into phase three so that they can safely re-open in the fall. Los Angeles County has provided a report on re-opening schools and what each option, whether in-person, remotely or a hybrid would look like.

In the case of in-person learning, classrooms would be limited to a smaller number of people and there would be social restrictions in place to follow health guidelines. Some of the measures that will be implemented include wearing face masks, time allocated for hand-washing, as well as temperature checks.