NEW YORK—A 56-year-old retired NYPD sergeant was punched and kicked in broad daylight outside a Garment District deli on West 39th St. in Manhattan on Tuesday, August 11.
The retired police officer was reportedly asking Masterjadin Roman, the 20-year-old suspect, not to panhandle in front of the store. The police whom Roman threw a bottle at chased after him and was later tackled to the ground.
Roman landed 15 punches on the police officer. He and the person who was at the scene when the attack happened later took the retired police officer’s headphones and cellphone. After a bystander came out from the store and offered a napkin to the victim who tried to get up from the ground, the suspect returned and kicked him in the head.
The retired cop was transported to the hospital and Roman was arrested on Ninth Ave. near W. 34th St. two days later. It was reported that Roman had a machete in his backpack when officers caught him and took him into custody.
Roman was charged with aggressive panhandling and given a desk appearance ticket to appear in court.