MALIBU—A Malibu City Council Pacific Highway Taskforce Safety Corridor grant in the amount of $124,250 was awarded by the State of California last June in order promote safety for cyclists and drivers along the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH).
The plan is finally coming to fruition with the implementation of three portable changeable message signs (CMS), which will soon be placed on PCH.
The goals of the City Council in the grant description include:
- To reduce the number of people killed and injured in traffic collisions
- To reduce the number of pedestrians killed and injured in traffic collisions
- To reduce the number of cyclists killed and injured in traffic collisions
To achieve these published goals, the Council listed 10 objectives to be achieved with the aid of the grant. Among the key objectives are:
- To host quarterly meetings of the PCH Taskforce and its Grant Subcommittee to monitor the implementation of the grant
- To collaborate with the Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, and Santa Monica Police Department, to conduct DUI, bicycle, and pedestrian enforcement along the PCH corridor
- To increase law enforcement visibility during the length of the grant period
- To conduct three pedestrian safety trainings strategically within the corridor impacting a minimum of 50 community leaders
- To draft a pedestrian safety training recommendations document to identify highway improvements necessary to improving pedestrian safety
- To produce a bicycle safety video to be distributed on social media
- To coordinate temporary “billboard” safety messages campaign on lifeguard towers lining PCH or other PCH adjacent messaging locations
- To purchase advertisements in key local media and/or fueling/convenience stations within the corridor
- To deploy changeable message signs at least four times a week to promote traffic safety messages.
According to public Malibu City Council documents, the three changeable message signs totaled 36 percent of the granted funds, costing the city a total $45,000.
The signs will be placed strategically between the McClure Tunnel in the City of Santa Monica to the Los Angeles/Ventura county lines, near the shoulder of PCH, close to the intersections of Kanan Dume Road, Malibu Canyon Road and Topanga Canyon Road.
After a one-year period, in which the California Highway Patrol will be managing the signs, the City of Malibu will become the owner of them.